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Music by Valentin Dubovskoy
lyrics by William Shakespeare

If the dull substance of my flesh were thought,
injurious distance should not stop my way;
for then despite of space I would be brought,
from limits far remote where thou dost stay.

No matter then although my foot did stand
upon the farthest earth removed from thee;
for nimble thought can jump both sea and land
as soon as think the place where he would be.

But ah! thought kills me that I am not thought,
to leap large lengths of miles when thou art gone,
but that so much of earth and water wrought
I must attend time's leisure with my moan,

receiving nought by elements so slow
but heavy tears, badges of either's woe.
Музыка Валентина Дубовского
слова Уильяма Шекспира, перевод Самуила Маршака

Когда бы мыслью стала эта плоть, –
о, как легко, наперекор судьбе,
я мог бы расстоянье побороть
и в тот же миг перенестись к тебе.

Будь я в любой из отдалённых стран,
я миновал бы тридевять земель.
Пересекают мысли океан
с той быстротой, с какой наметят цель.

Пускай моя душа – огонь и дух,
но за мечтой, родившейся в мозгу,
я, созданный из элементов двух –
земли с водой, – угнаться не могу.

Земля, – к земле навеки я прирос,
вода, – я лью потоки горьких слёз.


If the dull sub-stance of my flesh were thought,
in-ju-rious dis-tance should not stop my way;
for then de-spite of space I would be brought,
from lim-its far re-mote where thou dost stay.

No mat-ter then al-though my foot did stand
u-pon the far-thest earth re-moved from thee;
for nim-ble thought can jump both sea and land
as soon as think the place where he would be.

But ah! thought kills me that I am not thought,
to leap large lengths of miles when thou art gone,
but that so much of earth and wa-ter wrought
I must at-tend time's lei-sure with my moan,

re-ceiv-ing nought by el-e-ments so slow
but hea-vy tears, bad-ges of ei-ther's woe.

15(3)D 33(9)G# 49(1)C 42(6)F 62(2)C# 21(9)G# 38(2)C# 50(2)C# 51(3)D 99(3)D
23(11)B 31(7)F# 82(10)A 32(8)G 43(7)F# 79(7)F# 49(1)C 70(10)A 38(2)C# 49(1)C
39(3)D 47(11)B 9(9)G# 69(9)G# 21(9)G# 44(8)G 9(9)G# 75(3)D 7(7)F# 91(7)F#
52(4)D# 34(10)A 48(12)H 25(1)C 23(11)B 53(5)E 59(11)B 64(4)D# 58(10)A 65(5)E

29(5)E 34(10)A 43(7)F# 47(11)B 13(1)C 79(7)F# 38(2)C# 56(8)G 17(5)E 58(10)A
21(9)G# 45(9)G# 33(9)G# 25(1)C 72(12)H 52(4)D# 23(11)B 59(11)B 52(4)D# 38(2)C#
39(3)D 36(12)H 19(7)F# 99(3)D 18(6)F 60(12)H 45(9)G# 25(1)C 19(7)F# 31(7)F#
20(8)G 63(3)D 20(8)G 62(2)C# 33(9)G# 37(1)C 59(11)B 13(1)C 75(3)D 7(7)F#

43(7)F# 9(9)G# 99(3)D 63(3)D 18(6)F 49(1)C 9(9)G# 14(2)C# 49(1)C 99(3)D
35(11)B 34(10)A 43(7)F# 85(1)C 21(9)G# 58(10)A 50(2)C# 64(4)D# 39(3)D 41(5)E
43(7)F# 49(1)C 34(10)A 45(9)G# 21(9)G# 52(4)D# 19(7)F# 24(12)H 43(7)F# 112(4)D#
9(9)G# 73(1)C 21(9)G# 43(7)F# 66(6)F 26(2)C# 63(3)D 60(12)H 38(2)C# 43(7)F#

23(11)B 39(3)D 30(6)F 85(1)C 27(3)D 17(5)E 5(5)E 71(11)B 34(10)A 69(9)G#
43(7)F# 14(2)C# 47(11)B 63(3)D 7(7)F# 31(7)F# 21(9)G# 14(2)C# 70(10)A 43(7)F#