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Music by Valentin Dubovskoy
lyrics by William Shakespeare

Full many a glorious morning have I seen
flatter the mountain-tops with sovereign eye,
kissing with golden face the meadows green,
gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy;

Anon permit the basest clouds to ride
with ugly rack on his celestial face,
and from the forlorn world his visage hide,
stealing unseen to west with this disgrace:

even so my sun one early morn did shine
with all triumphant splendor on my brow;
But out, alack! he was but one hour mine;
The region cloud hath maskd him from me now.

Yet him for this my love no whit disdaineth;
Suns of the world may stain when heavens sun staineth.
Музыка Валентина Дубовского
слова Уильяма Шекспира, перевод Самуила Маршака

Я наблюдал, как солнечный восход
ласкает горы взором благосклонным,
потом улыбку шлёт лугам зелёным
и золотит поверхность бледных вод.

Но часто позволяет небосвод
слоняться тучам перед светлым троном.
Они ползут над миром омрачённым,
лишая землю царственных щедрот.

Так солнышко моё .взошло на час,
меня дарами щедро осыпая.
Подкралась туча хмурая, слепая,
и нежный свет любви моей угас.

Но не ропщу я на печальный жребий, –
бывают тучи на земле, как в небе.


Full ma-nya glo-rious mor-ning have I seen
flat-ter the moun-tain-tops with sove-reign eye,
kiss-ing with gol-den face the mead-ows green,
gild-ing pale streams with heav-en-ly alche-my;

A-non per-mit the bas-est clouds to ride
with ug-ly rack on his ce-les-tial face,
and from the for-lorn world his vis-age hide,
steal-ing un-seen to west with this dis-grace:

even so my sun one ear-ly morn did shine
with all tri-umph-ant splen-dor on my brow;
But out, a-lack! he was but one hour mine;
The re-gion cloud hath maskd him from me now.

Yet him for this my love no whit dis-daineth;
Suns of the world may stain when heavens sun staineth.

 51(3)D 14(2)C# 40(4)D# 34(10)A 82(10)A 46(10)A 44(8)G 36(12)H 9(9)G# 43(7)F#
39(3)D 43(7)F# 33(9)G# 63(3)D 44(8)G 70(10)A 60(12)H 61(1)C 53(5)E 35(11)B
58(10)A 30(6)F 60(12)H 34(10)A 23(11)B 15(3)D 33(9)G# 23(11)B 57(9)G# 49(1)C
32(8)G 30(6)F 34(10)A 95(11)B 60(12)H 36(12)H 19(7)F# 37(1)C 29(5)E 38(2)C#

1(1)C 43(7)F# 39(3)D 42(6)F 33(9)G# 22(10)A 44(8)G 74(2)C# 35(11)B 36(12)H
60(12)H 28(4)D# 37(1)C 33(9)G# 29(5)E 36(12)H 8(8)G 36(12)H 42(6)F 15(3)D
19(7)F# 52(4)D# 33(9)G# 39(3)D 59(11)B 72(12)H 36(12)H 50(2)C# 13(1)C 26(2)C#
57(9)G# 30(6)F 35(11)B 43(7)F# 35(11)B 67(7)F# 60(12)H 56(8)G 32(8)G 34(10)A

46(10)A 34(10)A 38(2)C# 54(6)F 34(10)A 24(12)H 37(1)C 60(12)H 17(5)E 55(7)F#
60(12)H 25(1)C 47(11)B 58(10)A 35(11)B 66(6)F 37(1)C 29(5)E 38(2)C# 58(10)A
43(7)F# 56(8)G 1(1)C 27(3)D 13(1)C 43(7)F# 43(7)F# 34(10)A 62(2)C# 41(5)E
33(9)G# 23(11)B 45(9)G# 55(7)F# 37(1)C 48(12)H 30(6)F 52(4)D# 18(6)F 52(4)D#

50(2)C# 30(6)F 39(3)D 56(8)G 38(2)C# 54(6)F 29(5)E 60(12)H 32(8)G 61(1)C
73(1)C 21(9)G# 33(9)G# 72(12)H 39(3)D 63(3)D 50(2)C# 74(2)C# 54(6)F 96(12)H