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Wat Tyler
Dramatic oratoria
Music by Valentin Dubovskoy, lyrics by Andrey Globa,
version for the symphonic orchestra by Yelena Belnova.

  MP3   Clavier Score  


3:22 0

I Following Kent`s path
   1. A song about gentleman


I 1
   2. Riot 2:00 I 2
II St. John monastery
   1. Plague


II 1
   2. Storming of the monastery 6:30 II 2
   3. Barrel 1:39 II 3

III Richard II

2:56 III
IV London 3:32 IV
V Tavern «The Hare»
   1. Song about Jack Straw and a lady from the Black Castle


V 1
   2. Branle 1:32 V 2
   3. Jack's song 2:19 V 3
   4. Little Jenny's song about John 1:44 V 4

   5. Zion

1:05 V 5

   6. Song about Jack falling in love with a lady

2:04 V 6
   7. Jack`s song about Robin 0:40 V 7
   8. Galop 1:39 V 8
VI John Ball's donkey 1:48 VI
VII A leader 1:58 VII

VIII Tower
   1. Extinguishing campfires


   2. John Ball`s lesson 2:53 VIII 2
   3. Storming of the royal castle 5:13 VIII 3
   4. Mark Krust`s song about Jack Straw killed 3:21 VIII 4
IX Archbishop execution 2:43 IX
X Smithfield 6:16 X
XI Charter 1:13 XI
XII Royal tribunal 2:10 XII
XIII Scaffold 3:52 XIII
XIV Jack postmortem confession 3:43 XIV
XV A song about the Thames 2:30 XV
XVI City Banners 2:26 XVI
XVII Drinking song 2:25 XVII
XVIII Song about huts 3:10 XVIII

Georgy FarajevWat Tyler, insurgent leader (I 2, II 2, IV, VII, X);
                              Tyler's head on pike (XVII)
Alexey Gvozdizkih – John Ball, Franciscan, insurgent leader (I 2, II 2, IV, VI, VIII 2, X);
                                   Ball's head on pike (XVII);
                                   Richard II, the King of England (III, X);
                                   Robin, villan (V 5, V 7)
Valentin Dubovskoy – Jack Straw, insurgent leader (I 2, IV, V 1, V 3, V 5-6, VIII 4, XIV);
                                      Sraw's head on pike (XVII);
                                      Simon Sudbury, Canterbury Archbishop, lord-counsellor (III, IX);
                                      Richard Arundel, temporary counsellor (X);
                                      John, villan (V 4, XV, XVIII)
Polina Kubyshkina Betty, villan (I 1, II 1, V 1, V 5, XI);
                                    the Voice of Huts (XVIII)
Anna Zagorodnyaya Mary, villan (I 2, IV, V 5, V 7);
                                      the Voice the Thames (XV);
                                      the Voice of Huts (XVIII)
Irina Gor Alice, villan (I 1, II 2, VIII 4, X, XII)
Anna KeytaJenny, villan (I 1, V 4-5, XIII)
Svetlana Sekretar Sally, villan (I 1, V 6, XIV)
Yelena Belnova
Helen, villan (II 3, V 5, VIII 1)
Anna GorinaAnny, villan (II 2, III, VIII 1)
Yelena Belnova, version for the orchestra

e-mail: tahuti@mail.ru