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Music by Valentin Dubovskoy, lyrics by William Shakespeare

Number Video/MP3   Clavier Score Text  


1:31 8


1:55 23


1:22 30


2:00 31


1:53 33


1:55 44


1:51 45


1:32 76


2:02 102


2:13 136


1:35 153

Valentin Dubovskoy, vocal

Such method used for writing sonnets:
after English text hyphenation, gematria for each syllable was calculated .
Gematria is an amount of numerical values of all letter of syllable, where A corresponds 1, B – 2, etc. Z – 26.

This number is displayed on musical 12-tones
chromatic scale. The remainder of number divided by 12 calculated. 
This remainder is number oà note in the musical scale, where 1 correspods C, 2 – C#, etc. 11 – B, 0 – H.

Now we have a sequenc
e of sound, turning it into music.

I showed all calculatings for each syllable in text of each sonnet. Format is Gematria(Remainder)Note.

 e-mail: tahuti@mail.ru