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History of Renewals
June 11 2024
Clavier of «Prince Vasilko of Rostov»; scores of «Dowry» and «Prince Vasilko of Rostov»; records of «Dowry» sung by Polina Kubyshkina, «Prince Vasilko of Rostov» are added to the page «Poems and ballads on Dmitry Kedrin».
Scores of «Task», «Night crying», «Bread and iron», «Frosty patterns on glass», «To be honest, we» and «I don't know»; records of «Bread and iron» and «Frosty patterns on glass» sung by Alyona Baskakova, «To be honest, we» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Kedrin».

May 18 2024
Page «Poems and ballads on Dmitry Kedrin» is created, clavier of «Dowry» is added.
Slavier of
«1.Morning over Vilna»; record of «1.Morning over Vilna» sung by Alyona Baskakova are added to the page «Crystal beehive».
Scores of «I'm imagining», «After the war» and «Winterly»; records of «I'm imagining», «After the war» and «Winterly» sung by Alyona Baskakova are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Kedrin».
18th album of songs and romances «Don Juan in Egypt» are added to the page «Publishing».

April 18 2024
Scores of «Summer take off the green caftan», «Victory», «Happened in childhood» and «Invitation to the country house»; records of «Summer take off the green caftan», «Night crying», «Happened in childhood», «Task» and «Invitation to the country house» sung by Alyona Baskakova, «Victory» and «I don't know» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Kedrin».
Scores of
Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor III», «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor VI», «Carefree» and «Life»; records of «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor III», «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor IV», «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor VI» and «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor VIII» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya, «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor VII», «Carefree» and «Life» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Surikov».
Page «Crystal beehive» is created, clavier of «1.Morning over Vilna» is added.
Video of «
Medley of Italian songs», «Medley of War songs», «Medley of Tchaykovsky instrumental music», «Medley of My Fairy Lady»,«Medley of Children's songs», «Medley of Gershwin's songs» and «Medley of songs by «Beatles»» are added to the page Some arrangements.

March 18 2024
Claviers of «After the war», «Night crying», «Invitation to the country house», «I don't know» and «To be honest, we»; scores of «Nightigale», «Cuckoo», «Autumn song», «Alyonushka» and «Vagabond»; records of «Cuckoo», «Autumn song» and «Vagabond» sung by Alyona Baskakova, «Nightigale» and «Alyonushka» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Kedrin».
Scores of «
Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor I», «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor II», «Childhood», «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor V», «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor VII»  and «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor VIII»; records of «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor I» and «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor II» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya, «Childhood» sung by Alexey Syomin, «Eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor V» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Surikov».

February 18 2024
Claviers of «Nightigale», «Vagabond», «Unicorn moon», «Bread and iron», «Blood», «Happened in childhood», «Once upon a time», «Summer take off the green caftan», «Victory», «Task», «Alyonushka», «Winterly», «Grandma Mariula» and «Frosty patterns on glass»; scores of «Immortality», «Unicorn moon», «Blood», «Love», «Sinner», «Chase», «Arbat station», «Once upon a time» and «Grandma Mariula»; records of «Chase», «Arbat station», «Unicorn moon», «Blood», «Immortality», «Love», «Sinner», «Once upon a time» and «Grandma Mariula» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Kedrin».
Claviers of eight songs for mezzo soprano and tenor: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, «Childhood», «Carefree» and «Life» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Surikov».
17th album of songs and romances is added to the page «Publishing».

January 14 2024
Claviers of «Autumn song», «Arbat station», «Love», «Sinner», «I'm imagining» and «Immortality» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Kedrin».
Complete radio version of rock opera is added to the page
«The Canterville Ghost».
Video of 1st part os 1st symphony is added to the page
«Symphonies of elements».

December 14 2023
Claviers of «Chase» and «Cuckoo»; score of  «Builder»; record of «Builder» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Kedrin».
Scores of «America», «Aria of the Ghost», «Song of Mr.Otis», «Lamentation of the Ghost», «Song of Mrs.Umney», «Damnation of the Ghost», «Duet of Virginia and the Ghost», «Song of Virginia» and complete score of rock opera are added to the page «The Canterville Ghost».

November 14 2023
Clavier of  «Builder» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on Kedrin».
s of «Introductory song», «Advertising of «Pinkerton»» and «Prophecy» are added to the page «The Canterville Ghost».
of «Domremy. Voices. Echo. Prayer to Death», «Crowning. Jilles de Retz's dream» and complete score of rock opera are added to the page «Jeanne».
«Reedpipe» is added to the page «Publishing».

October 20 2023
Score and record of «Reedpipe» is added to the page Russian.
Demo-record of opera is added
to the page «Don Juan in Egypt».
Scores of
«Golden mountains», «Question», «I'm smoking nightlong again», «Time», «Insomnia», «Goldfish», «Testament», «To my mother», «Autumn», «Glory», «Rains», «Noiseless rustle star», «Earth got old», «Heart», «Worry», «Brook», «Vicious circle», «Noli», «Wisdom», «Don't study cherish peace», «Ironic», «Outcast», «Road», «Methinks», «Brothers» and «Trajectory»; records of «To my mother», «Glory», «Earth got old», «Noli», «Wisdom» and «Noiseless rustle star» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tobolsky».
of «Charles VII Valois», «Jeanne's First Battle. Lullaby to dead asleep», «Englishman's Song», «Execution» and «Final» are added to the page «Jeanne».
Video of E.Capua «O sole mio» sung by Sofia Voropy;
J.Offenbach. Romance d'Antonia from «Hoffman's Tales» and I. Dunayevsky. Healthy from the movie «Springtime» sung by Roxana Gridneva are added.

September 18 2023
Clavier of «Reedpipe» is added to the page Russian.
Scores of
«Loaf», «Last noun», «The last word», «Bad dreams», «Two advices», «Ait» and «Guests»; records of «Vicious circle», «Autumn», «Last noun», «The last word», «Teddy-bear», «Methinks», «Road», «Brothers», «Trajectory», «Heart», «Ironic», «Two advices», «Bad dreams», «Testament», «Goldfish», «Worry», «Insomnia», «Time», «Guests», «Ait», «I'm smoking nightlong again», «Golden mountains» and «Question» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tobolsky».
of «8. Pugachov's end» and complete score of opera; record of «8. Pugachov's end» are added to the page Pugachev.
«Pugachov» and 21st album of songs and romances are added to the page «Publishing».

June 11 2023
Clavier of «8. Pugachov's end» and complete clavier of opera are added to the page Pugachev.
Scores of
«Loaf», «For that…», «Widows», «Parting words», «Horseshoe», «Solace», «Heritage», «Sad song» and «Look for joy»; records of «For that…», «Horseshoe», «Loaf», «Widows», «Solace», «Parting words», «Rains», «Don't study cherish peace», «Sad song», «Look for joy», «Heritage», «Outcast» and «Brook» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tobolsky».
of «Introduction» and «Jeanne under arrest» are added to the page «Jeanne».

May 12 2023
Claviers of «Noli», «Glory», «Goldfish», «Guests», «Outcast», «Wisdom», «Ait», «Methinks», «I'm smoking nightlong again», «Don't study cherish peace», «Golden mountains», «Look for joy», «Rains», «Bad dreams», «Testament», «Noiseless rustle star», «Autumn», «Brothers», «Parting words», «Heart», «Trajectory», «Question», «To my mother» and «Insomnia» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tobolsky».

April 12 2023
Record of «4. Incident in Talovy Umyot» is added to the page Pugachev.
Claviers of «For that…», «Loaf», «Last noun», «Ironic»«Two advices», «Sad song», «Teddy-bear», «Horseshoe», «Earth got old», «Worry», «Solace», «Widows», «Road», «Time», «Heritage», «Brook» and «Vicious circle» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tobolsky».

12 2023
Clavier of «4. Incident in Talovy Umyot»; scores of «5. Ural convict», «4. Incident in Talovy Umyot»; record of «5. Ural convict» are added to the page Pugachev.

12 2023
Clavier of «5. Ural convict»; score of «3. In the autumn night»; record of «3. In the autumn night» are added to the page Pugachev.

y 12 2023
Claviers of «3.1. Monologue of Karavayev», «7.2. Speach of Tvorogov» and «3. In the autumn night»; scores of «6. In the camp of Zarubin» and «7. Wind wag rye»; record of «6. In the camp of Zarubin» and «7. Wind wag rye» are added to the page Pugachev.
Record of opera «Homer's head» is added to the page «Triptych».

ember 12 2022
Clavier of «7. Wind wag rye»; score of «2. Lam of kalmyks»; record of  «2. Lam of kalmyks» are added to the page Pugachev.
Score of
«XV Doomsday 2–7»; record of «XV Doomsday 2–7» are added to the page «By the way of Cain».
Video of E.Capua «O sole mio» sung by Vera Grechanaya; D.Cotrau. «Santa Lucia» sung by Sofia Voropy; A.Dvořák. «Když mne stará matka» sung by Anna Gorshkova are added.

November 12 2022
Score of «1. Appearance of Pugachev in Yaik town», «2. Lam of kalmyks»; record of  «1. Appearance of Pugachev in Yaik town» are added to the page Pugachev.

October 12 2022
Claviers of «1. Appearance of Pugachev in Yaik town», «2. Lam of kalmyks», «6. In the camp of Zarubin», «2.1. Speach of Tambovtzev», «2.2. Monologue of Kirpichnikov», «6.2. Croaking of Shigayev» and «6.3.  Monologue of Shigayev» are added to the page Pugachev.
Clavier of «XV Doomsday 2–7»; scores of «III Magic 1», «VII Steam 1» and «XV Doomsday 1»; records of «III Magic 1», «VII Steam 1» and «XV Doomsday 1» are added to the page «By the way of Cain».

September  12 2022
Claviers of «Opening monologue of Pugachev», «6.1. Song of Zarubin», «7.1. Aria of Burnov» and «8.1. Final monologue of Pugachev» are added to the page Pugachev.
Scores of
«I Rebellion 1–3», «I Rebellion 4», «I Rebellion 5», «I Rebellion 6» and «I Rebellion 7»; records of «I Rebellion 1–3», «I Rebellion 4», «I Rebellion 5», «I Rebellion 6» and «I Rebellion 7» are added to the page «By the way of Cain».
Scores of «You give me nightingale wine again» and «Homesickness» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kochetkov».

August  1
2 2022
Complete score of cycle is added to the page page «Wistful Smiles».

July  12 2022
Complete score of the opera is added to the page «Don Juan in Egypt».
Complete clavier and score are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tsvetaeva».

June  10 2022
Claviers of Cavatina of don Juan, Aria of Leporello and complete clavier of the opera are added to the page «Don Juan in Egypt».
Clavier of «I Rebellion 1–3», «I Rebellion 4», «I Rebellion 5», «I Rebellion 6», «I Rebellion 7», «III Magic 1» and «VII Steam 1» are added to the page «By the way of Cain».
Video of W.Mozart. Queen of the Night aria from the opera «Magic flute», G.Gershwin. Clara's Lillaby from «Porgy and Bess» sung by Arina Melnikova; T.Khrennikov. Lillaby from film «Hussar ballad» sung by
Yelizaveta Klepikova are added.

May  10 2022
Claviers of Song of American, Arioso of don Juan, Arioso of Leporello and aria of don Juan are added to the page «Don Juan in Egypt».
Clavier of «XV Doomsday 1» is added to the page «By the way of Cain».

April  10 2022
Score of opera «Homer's head»  and complete score of Triptych are added to the page «Triptych».
«Directly by the sea», 19th and 20th
albums of songs and romances are added to the page «Publishing».

March  10 2022
Clavier of opera «Homer's head»  and complete clavier of Triptych are added to the page «Triptych».
Record of 3rd part of the 2nd symphony is added to the page «Symphonies of Elements».

January  24 2022
Score of 3rd part of the 2nd symphony is added to the page «Symphonies of Elements».
Video of G.Gershwin. Clara's Lillaby from «Porgy and Bess» sung by Yelizaveta Klepikova; G.Bizet. Romance de Nadir from the opera «Les Pecheurs de perles» sung by Alexey Syomin; D.Kabalevsky. Waltz from the movie «Anton Ivanovich is angry» and G.Verdi. Leonora's cavatina from the opera «Trovatore» sung by Arina Boyeva are added.

19 2021
Record of «Neighbours» sung by Arina Boyeva is added to the page «Songs and romances on Globa».
Clavier of 4th part and complete clavier of the poem; score of 4th part and complete score of the poem; records of 2nd, 3rd and 4th parts sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Directly by the sea».

October 19 2021
Claviers of 2nd and 3rd parts; scores of 1st, 2nd and 3rd parts; record of 1st part sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Directly by the sea».
Scores of «Amad», «20. Drama» and complete score of oratorio are added to the page «Dolphiniada».
of «No jiffy»; record of «You give me nightingale wine again» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kochetkov».
Video of E.Capua «O sole mio» sung by Yelizaveta Klepikova  is added.

September 21 2021
Clavier of 1st part is added to the new page «Directly by the sea».
Clavier, score and record of «Rembrandt. Etchings» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Brodsky».
Scores of «10. Text », «11. Drama», «13. Drama», «15. Drama» and «17. Drama» are added to the page «Dolphiniada».
Record of opera «Adelaida Grabbe» sung by Yelena Belnova and Anna Zagorodnyaya is added to the page «Triptych».
of «Sisters-rivals» sung by Alyona Syomina and «Parting youth» sung by Alexey Syomin are added to the page «Songs and romances on Globa».

August 21 2021
Claviers of «Adam and Eve (Against Heaven)», «Orpheus and Eurydice (Against Hell)» and «Daedalus and Icarus (Against limits)»; scores of «Adam and Eve (Against Heaven)», «Orpheus and Eurydice (Against Hell)» and «Daedalus and Icarus (Against limits)»; records of «Adam and Eve (Against Heaven)», «Orpheus and Eurydice (Against Hell)» and «Daedalus and Icarus (Against limits)» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bryusov».
Claviers of «Parting youth» and «Neighbours» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Globa».
of «Goblin» sung by Alexey Syomin is added to the page «Songs and romances».
Score and record of «Your eyes are always sullen» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kochetkov».

July 21 2021
Record of 2nd part of the 2nd symphony is added to the page «Symphonies of Elements».
of opera «Adelaida Grabbe» is added to the page «Triptych».
Clavier of
«Sisters-rivals» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Globa».

June 21 2021
Clavier of opera «Adelaida Grabbe» is added to the page «Triptych».
Clavier of «Full moon»; score of «Full moon»; record of «Full moon» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tsvetaeva».
Records of «Troubadour», «Sunset» and «Pastorale» sung by Arina Boyeva are added to the page «Songs and romances on Globa».

May 22 2021
Record of opera «Andersen's holiday» sung by Arina Boyeva, Anna Zagorodnyaya and Alexey Syomin is added to the page «Triptych».
Record of «15. Drama» is added to the page «Dolphiniada».
Scores of «Vintage mists of love III», «Vintage mists of love IV»; records of «Vintage mists of love III», «Vintage mists of love IV» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tsvetaeva».
Record of «No jiffy» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Kochetkov».
of «Goblin» is added to the page «Songs and romances».

April 22 2021
Clavier and score opera «Andersen's holiday» are added to the page «Triptych».
Records of «11. Drama», «13. Drama» and «17. Drama» are added to the page «Dolphiniada».
Clavier of «Vintage mists of love III», «Vintage mists of love IV»; scores of «Vintage mists of love II», «Vintage mists of love IV»; record of «Vintage mists of love II» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tsvetaeva».
Score of «Neither fatal blood»; record of «Neither fatal blood» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kochetkov».
Claviers of «Drinking song» and «Pastorale»; records of «Golden doe», «Linden and rose» and «Drinking song» sung by Alexey Syomin are added to the page «Songs and romances on Globa».

March 22 2021
English and Russian records of 30th sonnet are added to the page «Sonnets by Shakespear».
Clavier of
«Vintage mists of love II»; scores of «Vintage mists of love I», «I am prostrating now…», «Songs from the play «Disciple» III», «Songs from the play «Disciple» IV», «Songs from the play «Disciple» V», «Songs from the play «Disciple» VI» and «Songs from the play «Disciple» VIII»; records of «Vintage mists of love I», «I am prostrating now…», «Songs from the play «Disciple» III», «Songs from the play «Disciple» IV», «Songs from the play «Disciple» V», «Songs from the play «Disciple» VI» and «Songs from the play «Disciple» VIII» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tsvetaeva».
Records of «10. Text» and «20. Drama» are added to the page «Dolphiniada».
Scores of «
Abel et Caïn», «Det døende barn»; French and Russian records of  «Abel et Caï sung by Polina Kubyshkina, German and Russian records of «Prometheus», German and Russian records of «Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Record of «Homesickness» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Kochetkov».
Claviers of «Golden doe», «Linden and rose» and «Sunset» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Globa».

February 20 2021
Record of «On the Kulikovo field» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».
Score of 30th sonnet; English and Russian records of 8th, English and Russian records of 33rd, English and Russian records of 153rd sonnets are added to the page «Sonnets by Shakespear».
s of «Don-Juan III», «Don-Juan IV», «Don-Juan V», «Don-Juan VI», «Prince of darkness II», «Prince of darkness III», «Prince of darkness IV» and «Songs from the play «Disciple» II»; records of «Don-Juan III», «Don-Juan IV», «Don-Juan V», «Don-Juan VI», «Prince of darkness II», «Prince of darkness III», «Prince of darkness IV» and «Songs from the play «Disciple» II» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tsvetaeva».
of «Night's chasing becomes more sharp» and «I don't believe the prophecies»; records of «Night's chasing becomes more sharp» and «I don't believe the prophecies» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kochetkov».
Claviers of «Prometheus» and «Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh»; scores of «Prometheus» and «Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Records of «
McPherson's farewell song» and «Song of soldier» sung by Alexey Syomin are added to the page «Songs and romances on Globa».
of  «Architects» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on Kedrin».
Record of «Amad» sung by Sergey Vasilchenko is added to the page «Dolphiniada».

January 20 2021
Score of «Giordano Bruno»; record of «Giordano Bruno» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Bunin».
Scores of «
On the other side», «Serenade», «Will pass like a dream» and «May be»; records of «On the other side», «Serenade», «Will pass like a dream» and «May be» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Minsky».
Score and record of «Sixth sense» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Gumilyov».
Clavier of 33rd ssonnet; scores of 8th, 23rd, 33rd, 45th, 76th, 102nd, 136th and 153rd sonnets; English and Russian records
 of 23rd, English and Russian records  of 31st, English and Russian records  of 44th, English and Russian records  of 45th, English and Russian records, English and Russian records of 102nd, English and Russian records of 136th sonnets are added to the page «Sonnets by Shakespear».
Scores of  «From Goethe» and «Thanks»; records of «From Goethe» and «Thanks» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Lermontov».
of «On the Kulikovo field» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».
Claviers of
«Sailor song», «Kitty», «McPherson's farewell song», «Troubadour» and «Song of soldier»; records of «Sailor song» sung by Alexey Syomin, «Kitty» sung by Arina Boyeva are added to the page «Songs and romances on Globa».

December 20 2020
Clavier of 31st sonnet; scores of 31st and 44th sonnet are added to the page «Sonnets by Shakespear».
Scores of
«Captains I», «Captains II», «Captains III», «Captains IV», «Parrot» and «Lost tram»; records of «Captains I», «Captains II», «Captains III», «Captains IV», «Parrot» and «Lost tram» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Gumilyov».
of «I loved you»; record of «I loved you» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Pushkin».
s of «Don-Juan I», «Don-Juan II», «Don-Juan VII», «Carmen I», «Carmen II», «Prince of darkness I», «Through the snow…», «Songs from the play «Disciple» I», «Songs from the play «Disciple» VII», «Songs from the play «Disciple» IX» and «Passerby»; records of «Don-Juan I», «Don-Juan II», «Don-Juan VII», «Carmen I», «Carmen II», «Prince of darkness I», «Through the snow…», «Songs from the play «Disciple» I», «Songs from the play «Disciple» VII», «Songs from the play «Disciple» IX»  and «Passerby» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tsvetaeva».
Score of  «
In the wild north» ia added to the page «Songs and romances on Lermontov».
of «Commander's footsteps» and «Night, street, lantern, drugstore»; record of «Commander's footsteps» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».
Scores of «Earth!» and «From vortex, cold and light» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kochetkov».
Records of of «Det døende barn» in Danish and Russian sung by Alexey Syomin are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».

November 20 2020
Claviers of «Don-Juan I», «Don-Juan II», «Don-Juan III», «Don-Juan IV», «Don-Juan V», «Don-Juan VI», «Don-Juan VII», «Carmen I», «Carmen II», «Prince of darkness I», «Prince of darkness II», «Prince of darkness III», «Prince of darkness IV», «Through the snow…», «Vintage mists of love I», «I am prostrating now…», «Songs from the play «Disciple» I», «Songs from the play «Disciple» II», «Songs from the play «Disciple» III», «Songs from the play «Disciple» IV», «Songs from the play «Disciple» V», «Songs from the play «Disciple» VI», «Songs from the play «Disciple» VII», «Songs from the play «Disciple» VIII», «Songs from the play «Disciple» IX» and «Passerby» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Tsvetaeva».
Scores of  «
Sail» and «Cliff»; records of «Sail» sung by Alexey Syomin, «Cliff» and «In the wild north» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Lermontov».
Score of «
Before dawn»; record of «Before dawn» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Minsky».
Clavier of 23rd sonnet is added to the page «Sonnets by Shakespear».
Record of
«Night, street, lantern, drugstore» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».

October 20 2020
Claviers of «11. Drama», «13. Drama», «15. Drama», «17. Drama», «20. Drama» and complete clavier of the oratorio are added to the page «Dolphiniada».
Score of «Bumblebee»; record of «Bumblebee» sung by Alexey Syomin are added to the page «Songs and romances on Bunin».
Scores of «Swallows» and «My first nightingale tremble»; records of «Earth!» and «From vortex, cold and light» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kochetkov».
Video of S.Rachmaninoff. «How peaceful» and G.Gershwin. Sirina's aria from «Porgy and Bess» sung by Arina Boyeva are added.

September 20 2020
Records of «Swallows», «My first nightingale tremble» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kochetkov».
Clavier of «10. Text» is added to the page «Dolphiniada».
Video of 9th part are added to the page «Aybolit».

August 20 2020
Complete clavier of rock opera; video of 8th part are added to the page «Aybolit».
Clavier of «Amad» is added to the page «Dolphiniada».

July 20 2020
Clavier of 9th part; video of 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th parts are added to the page «Aybolit».
Clavier of «Det døende barn» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Clavier of 8th sonnet is added to the page «Sonnets by Shakespear».

June 20 2020
Claviers of «Giordano Bruno» and «Bumblebee» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Bunin».
Claviers of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th parts; video of 1st, 2nd and 3rd parts are added to the page «Aybolit».

May 20 2020
Claviers of «Commander's footsteps», «Night, street, lantern, drugstore» and «On the Kulikovo field» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».
Clavier of «I loved you» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Pushkin».
Claviers of «Sail», «From Goethe», «Thanks», «Cliff» and «In the wild north» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Lermontov».
Claviers of «On the other side», «Serenade», «Will pass like a dream», «May be» and «Before dawn» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Minsky».
Claviers of «Captains I», «Captains II», «Captains III», «Captains IV»,«Parrot», «Sixth sense» and «Lost tram» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Gumilyov».
Clavier of «Abel et Caïn» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Video of «Ashes» sung by Alyona Syomina; «Militiaman» sung by Victoria Shurygina; A.Martynov «Ballad about mother» sung by Arina Boyeva; E.Kolmanovsky «Alyosha» sung by Alexey Syomin, D.Pokrass «Cossacks in Berlin» sung by Valeria Buxa and Carolina Carrillo Saez; G.Puccini. Lauretta's aria from the opera «Gianni Schicchi» sung by Arina Boyeva, Valeria Buxa, Carolina Carrillo Saez, Yaroslava Trushkina, Alyona Syomina, Alyona Baskakova, Polina Kubyshkina, Yelizaveta Klepikova, Irina Bobrova, Victoria Shurygina, Varvara Yevdokimova and Anna Shudel are added.

April 20 2020
Score of 2nd part of the 2nd symphony is added to the page «Symphonies of Elements».
«Sonnets by Shakespear» is created, claviers of 30th, 44th, 45th, 76th, 102nd, 136th and 153rd sonnets are added.
Claviers of «Swallows», «My first nightingale tremble», «Earth!», «From vortex, cold and light», «Neither fatal blood», «You give me nightingale wine again», «Night's chasing becomes more sharp», «Your eyes are always sullen», «No jiffy», «Homesickness» and «I don't believe the prophecies» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kochetkov».

March 20 2020
Score and  record of «Unknown lady» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».
Score of «Prophet» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Pushkin».
Score of  «Old don Juan» is added to the page «Two poems for tenor».
Scores of «
7. Dolphins», «Song of Ave», «12. Author», «Swimming» and «22. Dolphins» are added to the page «Dolphiniada».
of «Oiseau  de malheur á poil roux», «Le voyage I», «Le voyage II», «Le voyage III-VI» and «Le voyage VIII»; French and Russian records of  «Le voyage III-VI» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
of  «Song of stormy petrel»  and «Wedding» are added to the page «Songs and romances».
Video of Eduardo di Capua «O sole mio» sung by Carolina Carrillo Saez; Russian folk song «Blizzard» and N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Third song of Levko from the opera «May night» sung by Alexey Syomin; G.Gershwin. Clara's Lillaby from «Porgy and Bess», W.Mozart. Aria of Donna Anna from the opera «Don Giovanni» and G.Puccini. Aria of Turandot from the opera «Turandot» sung by Arina Boyeva; N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Lyubasha's arioso from the opera «The Tsar's bride» and P.Tchaykovsky. Warrior's arioso from the cantata «Moscow» sung by Sofia Pedenko are added.

February 20 2020
Score of the 1st symphony and record of the 1st part of the 2nd symphony are added to the page «Symphonies of Elements».
s of «7. Dolphins» and «22. Dolphins» are added to the page «Dolphiniada».

January 2
0 2020
Score of the 1st part of the 2nd symphony is added to the page «Symphonies of Elements».
Score and r
ecord of «About author» are added to the page «Dolphiniada».

December 2
0 2019
Clavier of «3. Text»; scores of «3. Text» and «9. Author»; records of «3. Text», «Song of Ave» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya and «Swimming» are added to the page «Dolphiniada».
Score of «Le voyage VII»; French and Russian records of  «Le voyage VI sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
«Apocalypsis», 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th
albums of songs and romances are added to the page «Publishing».

November 20 2019
Claviers of «About author» and «Song of Ave»; scores of «1. Author», «2. Dolphins», «Li'l dolphin», «Speech of mother-dolphin», «6. Author», «Genesis from mother-dolphin», «Song of Noah»; records of «2. Dolphins», «Speech of mother-dolphin» sung by Yelena Belnova and Polina Kubyshkina, «6. Author», «Genesis from mother-dolphin» sung by Ivan Griroryev and Yelena Belnova, «9. Author», «12. Author» and «Song of Noah» are added to the page «Dolphiniada».
Video of Eduardo di Capua «O sole mio» sung by Arina Boyeva and Russian folk song «Blizzard» sung by Ivan Griroryev are added.

October 20 2019
Claviers of  «7. Dolphins», «Swimming» and «22. Dolphins»; records of «1. Author», «Li'l dolphin» sung by Ivan Griroryev are added to the page «Dolphiniada».
Record of «Prophet» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Pushkin».
of  «Song of stormy petrel» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya and «Wedding» are added to the page «Songs and romances».
Clavier of «
Le voyage III-VI»; French and Russian records of  «Le voyage I», French and Russian records of  «Le voyage II», French and Russian records of  «Le voyage VII sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».

September 20 2019
Clavier of  «Prophet», score of «Anchor» and record of «Anchor» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances on Pushkin».
Claviers of  4th part, «Genesis from mother-dolphin» and «12. Author» are added to the page «Dolphiniada».
of  «Beethovens Tod» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Complete score of oratoria is added to the page «Wat Tyler».
«Cyrano de Bergerac», 10th, 11th and 12th
albums of songs and romances are added to the page «Publishing».

August 21 2019
Clavier of  «Anchor»; score of «Drowned»; record of «Drowned» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Songs and romances on Pushkin».
Claviers of  «Song of stormy petrel» and «Wedding» are added to the page «Songs and romances».
of «Unknown lady» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».
Clavier of  «Le voyage VII»; German and Russian records of «Beethovens Tod» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Claviers of  «6. Author», «9. Author» and «Song of Noah» are added to the page «Dolphiniada».
Score of «
Extraordinary adventure» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Mayakovsky».
Scores of «
5. And he...», «About weightlessness», «7. And he...», «Solitude», «9. And he...», «The dead look into the sky», «What holds us down», «Life and death», «13. And he...», «About the irreplaceble» and complete score are added to the page «Beyond».
Score and record of «
Quail» sung by Alexandr Sergeychikov are added to the page Some arrangements.

July 21 2019
The page «Dolphiniada» is created, claviers of 2nd and 5th parts are added.
Clavier of  «Extraordinary adventure»; score of «Listen!»; records of «Listen!» and «Extraordinary adventure» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Mayakovsky».
Clavier of  «Beethovens Tod» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Scores of «
Sorcerer», «Months of the year», «June ballade» and «Protest»; records of «Sorcerer», «Months of the year», «June ballade» and «Protest» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kirsanov».
Claviers of  «Angel », «Starfall», «Black horse» and «Temple» are added to the page «I witness the night».
Clavier of  «Zizi» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Severyanin».
Claviers of  «Preference-blues» and «The last word» are added to the page «Songs and romances».
Scores of «
«Let's go!»», «Dirty whisper» are added to the page «Beyond».

June 20 2019
Clavier of  «Drowned» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Pushkin».
Claviers of 
«But the way of researcher is very cool», «And you are long gone for some reason», «Stop, freeze!» and complete clavier of the poem; records of «All this is in the past», «Everything is in our might», «But the way of researcher is very cool», «Silver frost will cover», «And you are long gone for some reason», «But may be», «Stop, freeze!» and «Mirrors – on the wall» are added to the page «Mirrors».
Claviers of  «John Barleycorn» and «Bossa 'bout the wish» are added to the page «Bees’ Tears».
Clavier of  «Visitor» is added to the page «I witness the night».
Claviers of «Flies of loneliness», «May-bug», «Snail», «German» and «Beggar» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kruzhkov».
Scores of «
Aladin before the treasury», «From the childhood», «Rhinoceros», «Rain», «Empty house» and «Under one sky»; records of «Aladin before the treasury», «From the childhood», «Empty house» sung by Yelena Belnova and «Under one sky» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kirsanov».

May 24 2019
Record of  «Old don Juan» is added to the page «Two poems for tenor».
Clavier of 
«Listen!» is added to the page «Songs and Romances».
Clavier of  «Rails-cross ties» is added to the page «Bees’ Tears».
Claviers of  «How many times I assured you», «In mirrors don't disappear», «All this is in the past», «Everything is in our might», «Silver frost will cover», «But may be» and «Mirrors – on the wall»; records of  «Mirrors – on the wall», «How many times I assured you» and «In mirrors don't disappear» are added to the page «Mirrors».
Hungarian and Russian scores
of oratoria are added to the page «The Song of Hiawatha».

April 24 2019
Claviers of  «Nettle», «Application» and «Heart» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Kedrin».
Clavier of  «Mirrors – on the wall» is added to the page «Mirrors».
Clavier of 
«Under one sky»; records of «Rhinoceros» and «Rain» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kirsanov».
Clavier of
«Mozart» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Samoylov».
Claviers of  «Dragonfly», «Bees’ tears» and «According to your faith» are added to the page «Bees’ Tears».
Clavier of
«Le voyage II»; French and Russian records of «Oiseau  de malheur á poil roux» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
The clavier of «Quail» is added to the page Some arrangements.
Claviers of «Young magician», «I trusted», «Giraffe», «Small fairy tale», «Do you remember a palace of giants», «Leopard», «There the old magician is buried», «Magic violin», «I’m in a corridor of closed days», «Clever devil», «King and singer», «Horror», «Among uncountable stars», «Five bulls», «Death», «Cross», «About you», «Lucifier», «Gipsies», «Genevyeva», «Door in the wall», «Word» and complete clavier of the album are added to the page «Paganini».
Video P.Tchaykovsky. Arioso of Natasha from the opera «Oprichnik»
and Russian folk song «In the evening over the river» sung by Alyona Baskakova are added.
«Jeanne», «Pilat», 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and
9th albums of songs and romances are added to the page «Publishing».

March 21
Claviers of  «Protest», «Sorcerer», «From the childhood», «Months of the year», «Rhinoceros», «June ballade», «Rain» and «Empty house»; scores of «Lines in brackets», ««Salute!»», «Militiaman» and «Over us»; records of «Lines in brackets», ««Salute!»», «Militiaman» and «Over us» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kirsanov».
Clavier of
«Ashen leaf» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Samoylov».
Scores of «Inro song (from the poem «Cyganovs»)», «Visitor to Cyganovs (from the poem «Cyganovs»)», «Birth of son (from the poem «Cyganovs»)», «Chopping wood (from the poem «Cyganovs»)» and «Cyganov's death (from the poem «Cyganovs»)» are added to the page «Two poems for tenor».

21 2019
Claviers of  «Death doesn’t exist any longer», «Lines in brackets», ««Salute!»», «Militiaman», «Over us» and «Aladin before the treasury» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kirsanov».
Clavier of 
«Cyganov's death (from the poem «Cyganovs»)»; records of «Birth of son (from the poem «Cyganovs»)», «Chopping wood (from the poem «Cyganovs»)» and «Cyganov's death (from the poem «Cyganovs»)» are added to the page «Two poems for tenor».
Claviers of «Oiseau  de malheur á poil roux», «Le voyage I» and «Le voyage VIII» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Claviers of
 «Prologue», «The nose», «Ballade about the duel», «Almond cookies», «Rendez-vous in Ragueneau's patisserie», «Together with my loving», «Gascons», «Merci, no!», «Near the tour de Nesle», «Cruel coquette», «When the moon is ascended», «Roxane», «The balcony scene», «Gotta to the moon», «The letter», «The battle», «The newspaper», «Mon cher Cyrano», «Reading in the darkness», «Death of Cyrano», «Epilogue» and complete clavier are added to the page «Cyrano de Bergerac».
Record of  «Wings» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih and Valentin Dubovskoy is added to the page «Russian».

21 2019
Clavier of  «Chopping wood (from the poem «Cyganovs»)»; records of «Intro song (from the poem «Cyganovs»)» and «Visitor to Cyganovs (from the poem «Cyganovs»)» are added to the page «Two poems for tenor».
Record of 
«Architects» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih and Valentin Dubovskoy is added to the page «Russian».
Claviers of
«Credo (from the Gnostic Mess)», «Hymn (from the Gnostic Mess)», «One star in sight», «Hymn to Pan», «Invocation of Hecate», «Nekam, Adonai!», «Lift up this love», «The Interpreter», «Pan to Artemis», «Stele of Revelation (AL III:37-38)» and complete clavier are added to the page «Music of Thelema»
Video of Eduardo di Capua. «O sole mio» sung by Victoria Fedosova and D.Kabalevsky «Blue note» sung by Alexandr Sergeychikov are added.

21 2018
New version of clavier is added to the page «Jeanne».
New version of clavier is added to the page
Video of Gennady Gladkov. Serenade from the animated film «On the trail of the Bremen town musicians» sung by Victoria Fedosova, Eduardo di Capua. «O sole mio» sung by Sofia Zapolina, George Gershwin. Clara's Lillaby from «Porgy and Bess» sung by Sofia Pedenko and G.Puccini. Magda's solo from the opera «La rondine» sung by Alyona Baskakova are added.

21 2018
Claviers of  «Old don Juan» and «Visitor to Cyganovs (from the poem «Cyganovs»)» and «Birth of son (from the poem «Cyganovs»)» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Samoylov».
of «Farewell» is added to the page «Songs and romances».
Claviers of
Introductory song», «Advertising of «Pinkerton»», «Prophecy», «America», «Aria of the Ghost», «Song of Mr.Otis», «Lamentation of the Ghost», «Sonf of Mrs.Umney», «Damnation of the Ghost», «Duet of Virginia and the Ghost», «Song of Virginia», «Final» and complete clavier are added to the page «The Canterville Ghost».
German and Russian records of
«Waldespräch» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
«Fairy tale about bewitched Daryushka», «Wild Swans», «Dream of a Ridiculous Person» and «The Canterville ghost» are added to the page «Publishing».

October 21 2018
Clavier of  «Intro song (from the poem «Cyganovs» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Samoylov».
of «Farewell» is added to the page «Songs and romances».
9. And he...», «11. What holds us down» sung by Yelena Belnova and «12. Life and death» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya are added to the page «Beyond».
Complete score and complete clavier
are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Jószef».
Complete clavier is added to the page «Dream of a Ridiculous Person».

September 21 2018
Score of «2. We grow up»; records of «1. «Let's go!»» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih, «13. And he...» are added to the page «Beyond».
«Enochian keys», «Volunteers», «Stone angel», «The Fisherman and his Soul» and «Beyond» are added to the page «Publishing».

August 20 2018
Score of «3. And he...»; records of «5. And he...», «6. About weightlessness» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya, «7. And he...» are added to the page «Beyond».
Orchestral parts are added to the page «Stone Angel».

September 6 2018
Record of «10. The dead look into the sky» sung by Anna Gorina is added to the page «Beyond».

July 6 2018
Claviers of «1. «Let's go!»», «7. And he...», «9. And he...», «13. And he...»; records of «2. We grow up» sung by Yelena Belnova, «3. And he...», «4. Dirty whisper», «14. About the irreplaceble» sung by Polina Kubyshkina, «8. Solitude» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih and complete clavier of cantata are added to the page «Beyond».
New version of
clavier is added to the page «Enochian Keys».
Scores of «Tiszta szívvel» and «Margaréta» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Jószef».
of «Heather ale» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».

June 7 2018
Claviers of «5. And he...», «6. About weightlessness» and «12. Life and death» are added to the page «Beyond».
English and Russian records of «Heather ale» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Score of «Kangaroo» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Kruzhkov».
Complete clavier is added to the page «The Fisherman and his Soul».
Clavier and score are added to the page «Stone Angel».
V.Dubovskoy. The ballad of Ufimtsev from the musical drama «Volunteers» is added to the page «Concerts and Performances».
«Song of Songs», «Halel», «Wat Tyler» and «Song of Hiawatha» are added to the page «Publishing».

May 6 2018
Complete score and orchestral parts are added to the page «Volunteers».
Hungarian score of oratoria is added to the page «The Song of Hiawatha».
Clavier and record
of «Kangaroo» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kruzhkov».
Score of «Nem emel föl»; Hungarian and Russian records of «Nem emel föl» sung by Yelena Belnova, complete clavier of the cycle are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Jószef».

April 4 2018
Record the 4th part of the 1st symphony is added to the page «Symphonies of Elements».
Claviers of
«2. We grow up», «4. Dirty whisper», «8. Solitude», «11. What holds us down», «14. About the irreplaceble» are added to the page «Beyond».
Scores of «A semmi ágán», «Hosszú az Úristen»; Hungarian and Russian records of «Tiszta szívvel», Hungarian and Russian records of «A semmi ágán», Hungarian and Russian records of «Margaréta», Hungarian and Russian records of «Hosszú az Úristen» sung by Yelena Belnova, complete clavier of the cycle are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Jószef».
Clavier of
«Sonatina» is added to the page «Instrumental compositions».
New version of clavier
is added to the page «Volunteers».

March 4 2018
The page «Beyond» is created, scores of «3. And he...», «10. The dead look into the sky» are added.
Clavier of «Heather ale» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Claviers of «
Tiszta szívvel», «A semmi ágán», «Margaréta», «Hosszú az Úristen», «Nem emel föl» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Jószef».
Clavier of «Farewell» is added to the page «Songs and romances».
of  «Architects» and «Wings» are added to the page «Russian».
Complete score is added to the page «The Song of Songs».
Complete score
is added to the page «K'dusha, Halel».

January 28 2018
Score of 4th part of the 1st symphony is added to the page «Symphonies of Elements».
Score of «Verrá la morte e avrá i tuoi occhi»; Italian and Russian records of «Verrá la morte e avrá i tuoi occhi» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Scores of «
A bátrak», «Műterem», «Tél»; Hungarian and Russian records of «A bátrak», Hungarian and Russian records of «Műterem», Hungarian and Russian records of «Tél» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Jószef».
Complete clavier of oratoria is added to the page «The Song of Hiawatha».
Complete clavier of oratoria is added to the page «Wat Tyler».
Complete clavier of cycle is added to the page page «Wistful Smiles».
Complete score
of musical is added to the page «Wild Swans».
Complete score
of musical is added to the page «Fairy tale about bewitched Daryushka».

December 27 2017
Record of 3rd part of the 1st symphony is added to the page «Symphonies of Elements».
Clavier of
«Verrá la morte e avrá i tuoi occhi» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Claviers of
«Őszi alkonyat», «A bátrak», «Műterem», «Tél»; score of «Őszi alkonyat»; Hungarian and Russian records of «Őszi alkonyat» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Jószef».
Score and record of «It was on the sea» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Songs and romances on Severyanin».
Clavier of «Kangaroo» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on Kruzhkov».

November 29 2017
Clavier of «It was on the sea» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Severyanin».
Score and record
of «When I am gone» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances».
New versions of score and text of «
K'dusha», score and text of «Halel» are added to the page «K'dusha, Halel».
New versions of score and text of 1st chapter, score and text of 2nd chapter, score and text of 8th chapter are added to the page «The Song of Songs».

October 27 2017
Score of 3rd part and record of 2nd part of the 1st symphony are added to the page «Symphonies of Elements».
Clavier of «When I am gone» is added to the page «Songs and romances».
Clavier and record made in 2010 of
A.-L.Webber. 2nd Maria Magdalina's aria from rock opera «Jesus Christ Superstar» sung by Irina Gor are added to the page Some arrangements.
Video of
G.Verdi. Aria of Leonora from the opera «Il Trovatore» sung by Irina Gor is added.

September 27 2017
The page «Symphonies of Elements» is created, scores of 1st and 2nd parts of the 1st symphony and record of 1st part of 1st symphony are added.
Scores of «
Śmiech», «Zaproszenie do miłości»; Polish and Russian records of «Śmiech», Polish and Russian records of «Zaproszenie do miłości» sung by Irina Gor are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».

August 25 2017
Clavier of «Soul's farewell»; records of «Soul's farewell» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya, «Fisherman and merchants» sung by Alexander Churkin, Dmitry Gulak and Valentin Dubovskoy , «Epilogue» sung by Irina Gor, Svetlana Sekretar, Alexander Churkin, Dmitry Gulak, Alexey Gvozdizkih, Polina Kubyshkina, Yelena Belnova, Anna Zagorodnyaya and Valentin Dubovskoy are added to the page «The Fisherman and his Soul».
Claver of «
Zaproszenie do miłości» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».

July 26 2017
Claviers of «Second Soul's return. Soul, Emperor and Ring.», «Third Soul's return. Reunion.»; records of «Second invocation», «Second Soul's return. Soul, Emperor and Ring.» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya, Valentin Dubovskoy and Polina Kubyshkina, «Death of Fisherman» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy, «Red Hair Witch and Fisherman» sung by Polina Kubyshkina and Valentin Dubovskoy, «Third year under the sea», «Third Soul's return. Reunion.» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya and Valentin Dubovskoy, «Soul's actions» sung by Yelena Belnova, Anna Zagorodnyaya and Valentin Dubovskoy, «Finale» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih, Polina Kubyshkina and Anna Zagorodnyaya are added to the page «The Fisherman and his Soul».
Armenian and Russian records of «
Tigranui» sung by Samvel Babayan are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».

June 25 2017
Scores of «First year under the sea», «Second year under the sea», «Third year under the sea»; claviers of «First invocation», «Second invocation», «Red Hair Witch and Fisherman», «Filthy jig», «Soul's actions», «Finale»; records of «First invocation» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy, «Fisherman and Priest» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy and Alexey Gvozdizkih, «He» sung by Irina Gor and Svetlana Sekretar, «Filthy jig», «First year under the sea», «First Soul's return. Soul, Priest and Mirror.» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya, Valentin Dubovskoy and Alexey Gvozdizkih, «Second year under the sea» are added to the page «The Fisherman and his Soul».
Clavers of «
Lekcja», «Śmiech»; score of «Lekcja»; Polish and Russian records of «Lekcja» sung by Irina Gor are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Video of A.Boito. Aria of Margherita from the opera «Mefistofele» sung by Polina Kubyshkina, G.Rossini. «Neapolitan Tarantella» sung by Irina Gor, A.Rubinstein. Epithalanium from the opera «Nèron» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih are added.

May 26 2017
Claviers of «First Rendez-vous», «First catch», «Second catch», «Fisherman and Priest», «He», «FirstSoul's return. Soul, Priest and Mirror.», «Death of Fisherman», «Epilogue»; records of «First catch», «Second catch», «Fisherman's prayer» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy, «First Rendez-vous», «Duet of Mermaid and Fisherman» sung by Yelena Belnova and Valentin Dubovskoy, «Song of Red Hair Witch» sung by Polina Kubyshkina, «Sabbath» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy, Irina Gor, Svetlana Sekretar and Polina Kubyshkina, «Fisherman cutting his Soul» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy and Anna Zagorodnyaya, «De profundis» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy, Svetlana Sekretar and Dmitry Gulak, «Death of Mermaid» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «The Fisherman and his Soul».
Clavier of «
Tigranui» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».

April 27 2017
Claviers of «Duet of Mermaid and Fisherman», «Fisherman's prayer», «Fisherman and merchants», «Song of Red Hair Witch», «Sabbath», «Fisherman cutting his Soul», «De profundis», «Sea runes», «Duet of void» and «Death of Mermaid»; records of «Prologue» and «Sea runes» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy, «Third song of Mermaid» sung by Yelena Belnova, «Song of Witches» sung by Polina Kubyshkina, Irina Gor and Svetlana Sekretar, «Duet of void» sung by Yelena Belnova and Valentin Dubovskoy are added to the page «The Fisherman and his Soul».
Score and record of «
Ave Maria» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances».
Score, Hungarian and Russian records of « Az Isten itt állt a hátam mögött» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Jószef».
«Musical almanac 2017 (4)» is added to the page «Publishing».

March 28 2017
Claviers of «Second song of Mermaid», «Third song of Mermaid», «Song of Witches»; records of «First song of Mermaid» and «Second song of Mermaid» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «The Fisherman and his Soul».
Claviers of «
A bánat» and «Az Isten itt állt a hátam mögött»; score of «A bánat»; Hungarian and Russian records of «A bánat» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Jószef».
Video of W. Mozart. Aria of Donna Anna from the opera «Don Giovanni», L. Delibes. «Les filles de Cadix»,
I. Dunayevsky. «Wassailing» sung by Irina Gor; F.Cilea. Aria of Pricipessa from the opera «Adriana Lecouvreur», G.Verdi. Story of Azucena from the opera «Trovatore», Maria Magdalina's aria from «Jesus Christ Superstar» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya are added.

February 27 2017
The page «The Fisherman and his Soul» is created, claviers of «Prologue» and «First song of Mermaid» are added.
of «The Peace-Pipe»English and Russian records of «The Peace-Pipe» are added to the page «The Song of Hiawatha».
Clavier, score and record of «The bat» sung by Irina Gor are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bryusov».
of «Dèception»; French and Russian records of «Dèception» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Score and record
of «Two wings» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih is added to the page «Songs and Romances on Rozhdestvensky».
Score and record of «All thought of prowess, valiant deeds and fame» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».
Clavier of «Where is you, star of my destiny?»; scores of «Serpent» and «Where is you, star of my destiny?»; records of «Serpent» sung by Anna Gorina & «Where is you, star of my destiny?» sung by Svetlana Sekretar are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bounin».

January 25 2017
Claviers of «Dèception» and «He wishes for the cloths of heaven» ; score of «He wishes for the cloths of heaven»; record of «Sans empirer, ung povre secourir», English and Russian records of «He wishes for the cloths of heaven» sung by Svetlana Sekretar are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Clavier of «Two wings» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on Rozhdestvensky».
Claviers of «Serpent», «Canary» and «Vagabond»; scores of «Canary», «Vagabond»; records of «Canary» sung by Irina Gor, «Vagabond» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bounin».
Score of «Evening silently burns down»; record of «Evening silently burns down» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Feth».
Scores of «The wandering of wanderings», «Demiurge», «Lucifer»; records of «The wandering of wanderings» sung by Irina Gor, «Demiurge» and «Lucifer» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Voloshin».
Score and record of «Beyond the supple fence of lyre» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Severyanin».
Score and record
of «Triptych stained glass window» sung by Irina Gor, Anna Zagorodnyaya, Valentin Dubovskoy and Alexey Gvozdizkih is added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bryusov».
Clavier of «All thought of prowess, valiant deeds and fame» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».

29 2016
Scores of «The Ghosts», «Hiawatha's Departure»English and Russian records of «The Ghosts», English and Russian records of «Hiawatha's Departure» are added to the page «The Song of Hiawatha».
Clavier of «Triptych stained glass window» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bryusov».
Clavier of «Beyond the supple fence of lyre» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Severyanin».
Claviers of «The wandering of wanderings», «Demiurge and Lucifer» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Voloshin».

November 29 2016
Scores of «Hiawatha's Childhood», «Hiawatha's Fishing», «Picture-Writing»; English and Russian records of «Hiawatha's Childhood», English and Russian records of «Hiawatha's Fishing», English and Russian records of «Picture-Writing» are added to the page «The Song of Hiawatha».
Video of F. Lehár. Song of Giuditta from operetta «Giuditta» sung by Irina Gor is added.
Video of Two Romances is added
to the page «Concerts and Performances».

October 29 2016
Score of «Hiawatha's Wooing»; English and Russian records of «Hiawatha's Wooing» are added to the page «The Song of Hiawatha».
Video of N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Lyubasha's arioso from the opera «The Tsar's bride» sung by Anna Gorina; A. Dvořák. Mermaid's aria from the opera «Mermaid» sung by Irina Gor; C.Saint-Saëns. 3rd Dalila's aria from the opera «Samson et Dalila» and P.Tchaykovsky. «Reconciliation» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya are added.

September 29 2016
Clavier of  «The Peace-Pipe»; scores of «Introduction», «Hiawatha's Fasting»; English and Russian records of «Introduction», English and Russian records of «Hiawatha's Fasting» are added to the page «The Song of Hiawatha».

August 27 2016
Scores of «Introduction», «II 2 Storming of the monastery», «II 3 Barrel», «XVI City Banners»; records of «Introduction», «II 2 Storming of the monastery», «II 3 Barrel», «XVI City Banners» are added to the page «Wat Tyler».

July 26 2016
Clavier of  «The Ghosts» is added to the page «The Song of Hiawatha».
Scores of «I
2 Riot», «II 1 Plague», «IV London», «V 8 Galop», «XIII Scaffold»; records of «I 2 Riot», «II 1 Plague», «IV London», «V 8 Galop», «XIII Scaffold» are added to the page «Wat Tyler».

June 26 2016
Claviers of  «Hiawatha's Fishing», «Hiawatha's Departure» are added to the page «The Song of Hiawatha».
Scores of «III Richard II», «VIII 3 Storming of the royal castle», «X Smithfield», «XV A song about the Thames», «XVIII Song about huts»; records of «III Richard II», «VIII 3 Storming of the royal castle», «X Smithfield», «XV A song about the Thames», «XVIII Song about huts» are added to the page «Wat Tyler».
Claviers of  «Leaf-fall», «The Song of the Wage-Slave» and «Horse» are added to the page «Bees’ Tears».

May 26 2016
Claviers of  «Hiawatha's Fasting», «Hiawatha's Wooing», «Picture-Writing» are added to the page «The Song of Hiawatha».
Scores of «V 2 Branle», «V 6 Song about Jack falling in love with a lady», «VIII 1 Extinguishing campfires», «IX Archbishop execution», «XVII Drinking song»; records of «V 2 Branle», «V 6 Song about Jack falling in love with a lady», «VIII 1 Extinguishing campfires», «IX Archbishop execution», «XVII Drinking song» are added to the page «Wat Tyler».
Score of «The cat»; record of «The cat» sung by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bounin».
Score of «Kubla Khan»; record of «Kubla Khan» sung by Svetlana Sekretar are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
The page «Publishing» is created, four albums of songs and romances are added.

April 26 2016
The page «The Song of Hiawatha» is created, claviers of «Introduction», «Hiawatha's Childhood» are added.
Clavier of «XVI City Banners»; scores of «V 3 Jack's song», «VIII 2 John Ball`s lesson», «XI Charter», «XII Royal tribunal», «XIV Jack postmortem confession»; records of «V 3 Jack's song», «VII A leader», «VIII 2 John Ball`s lesson», «XI Charter», «XII Royal tribunal», «XIV Jack postmortem confession» are added to the page «Wat Tyler».

March 24 2016
Claviers of «II 2. Storming of the monastery», «II 3. Barrel»; scores of «I 1 A song about gentleman», «V 1 Song about Jack Straw and a lady from the Black Castle», «V 4 Little Jenny's song about John», «V 7 Jack`s song about Robin», «VI John Ball's donkey», «VII A leader»; records of «I 1 A song about gentleman», «V 1 Song about Jack Straw and a lady from the Black Castle», «V 4 Little Jenny's song about John», «V 7 Jack`s song about Robin», «VI John Ball's donkey» are added to the page «Wat Tyler».
Scores of  «Happy new year», «About significance of the idea», «Tsunami», «God`s grace flaw», «Cast of throat» are added to the page «Wistful Smiles».
Claviers of Witches' spell from «Macbeth» and «Kubla Khan»; score of Witches' spell from «Macbeth»; record of Witches' spell from «Macbeth» sung by Polina Kubyshkina, Irina Gor and Anna Zagorodnyaya are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Scores of «Li'l tale», «In the mountains», «And I dreamed»; records of «In the mountains» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya, «And I dreamed» sung by Yelena Belnova, «Li'l tale» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bounin».
Video of G. Sviridov «Maritana» sung by Anna Gorina is added.

February 24 2016
Scores of  «Merging with nature», «The interview», «Flesh still alive», «Good and evil», «About privacy», «Ways to the man's heart», «Adam, what have you done?», «A story worthy of Rabelais», «To senseseekers», «Him», «The reader»«Sins of the centuary», «Nature», «A promo»; records of «Merging with nature», «Good and evil», «Adam, what have you done?», «A story worthy of Rabelais», «To senseseekers», «Him», «The reader», «Sins of the centuary», «Nature», «A promo»  are added to the page «Wistful Smiles».
Clavier of «
Introduction» and «VIII 3. Storming of the royal castle»; scores of «V 5 Zion», «VIII 4 Mark Krust`s song about Jack Straw killed»; records of «V 5 Zion», «VIII 4 Mark Krust`s song about Jack Straw killed» are added to the page «Wat Tyler».
Clavier of «Lullaby»; score of «Lullaby»; record of «Lullaby» sung by Svetlana Sekretar are added to the page «Songs and romances».
Clavier of «I have come to you with greetings»; score of «I have come to you with greetings»; record of «I have come to you with greetings» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Feth».
Claviers of «Li'l tale», «And I dreamed», «In the mountains» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bounin».
Video of G. Verdi. Song of Azucena from the opera «Il Trovatore» sung by Anna Gorina;  C.Saint-Saëns. 3rd Dalila's aria from the opera «Samson et Dalila», «The pine is so dark» and «Under the roof of a chilled empty building» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya, G. Sviridov «As I approached Izhory» and «Gypsy girl» sung by Irina Gor are added.

January 21 2016
Scores of  «The vale we live in», «Amateur», «A major one», «Missed opportunities», «Mythology», «Clouds», «Prince Igor», «The murder», «TV`s execution», «There, passing Acheron», «World – created. Borders – dried.», «Night lamentatio»; records of «The vale we live in», «Amateur», «A major one», «Missed opportunities», «Mythology», «Clouds», «Prince Igor», «The murder», «TV`s execution», «God`s grace flaw», «There, passing Acheron», «World – created. Borders – dried.», «Night lamentatio», «Cast of throat» are added to the page «Wistful Smiles».
Claviers of «II 1
Plague», «III Richard II», «V 2 Branle», «VIII 1 Extinguishing campfires» and «X Smithfield» are added to the page «Wat Tyler».
Score and clavier of  «Raven» are added to the page «Russian».
Record of «
The moon is still transparent and pale» sung by Yelena Belnova is added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bounin».
Score and record of «Harmonica» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».
Video of G.Gershwin. Duet of Porgy and Bess from the opera «Porgy and Bess» sung by
Polina Kubyshkina and Alexey Gvozdizkih; G.Gershwin. Porgy's song from the opera «Porgy and Bess» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih; «Evening silently burns down» sung by Yelena Belnova; «Leaves were silent» and G.Puccini. Magda's solo from the opera «La rondine» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added.

December 20 2015
Scores of  «Floors», «Break with the past, gentlemen», «The apostle Peter»; records of «Floors», «Break with the past, gentlemen», «The interview», «Ways to the man's heart», «The apostle Peter» are added to the page «Wistful Smiles».
Claviers of
I 2 Riot», «IV London», «V 8 Galop», «VI John Ball's donkey», «VII A leader», «VIII 2 Íàïóòñòâèå Äæîíà Áîëëà», «XI Charter», «XII Royal tribunal», «XIII Scaffold», «XIV Jack postmortem confession», «XVII Drinking song», «XVIII Song about huts» are added to the page «Wat Tyler».
Scores of «Ave Maria», «Dedication to Lilith» are added to the page «Songs and romances».
Score of «Waldespräch» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Video of A.Shishkin. «No, not you» sung by Anna Gorina, A.Varlamov «Sail» and V.Dubovskoy «Leaves were silent» sung by Irina Gor are added.

November 21 2015
The page «Wistful Smiles» is created, claviers of all 38 songs, scores of  «Sounds, not used to be», «Damned owl», «Fall», «Ballade», records of  «Sounds, not used to be», «Tsunami», «Flesh still alive», «Damned owl», «About privacy», «Happy new year», «Fall», «About significance of the idea», «Ballade» are added.
The page «Wat Tyler» is created, claviers of «I 1 A song about gentleman», «V 1 Song about Jack Straw and a lady from the Black Castle», «V 3 Jack's song», «V 4 Little Jenny's song about John», «V 5 Zion», «V 6 Song about Jack falling in love with a lady», «V 7 Jack's song about Robin», «VIII 4 Mark Krust`s song about Jack Straw killed», «IX Archbishop execution», «XV A song about the Thames» are added.
Score of  «Clowns» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Samoylov».
Clavier of «Harmonica» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».

October 20 2015
Score of  «Ladybug»; record of «Ladybug» sung by Irina Gor are added to the page «Songs and romances».
Score of  «Now my love is different»; record of «Now my love is different» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya are added to the page «Songs and romances».
Clavier of «
Clowns»; score of  «Gypsy girl»; records of «Gypsy girl», «Clowns» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy are added to the page «Songs and romances on Samoylov».
Scores of «Hopelessness», «Where are you, defunct sun?», «Incensory»; records of «Hopelessness», «Where are you, defunct sun?» sung by Svetlana Sekretar, «Incensory» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bounin».
Score of  «Snowstorm drifting through the streets»; record of «Snowstorm drifting through the streets» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy are added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».
Scores of  «Gamayun», «Gray-eyed king»; records of «Gamayun» sung by Irina Gor, «Gray-eyed king» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Songs and romances on Akhmatova».
Clavier and recording of «Above the Urn»
are added to the page «Instrumental compositions».

September 20 2015
Clavier of «Ladybug» is added to the page «Songs and romances».
Score of  «Raven»; record of «Raven» sung by Irina Gor are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Kedrin».
Clavier of «
Names of winters»; scores of  «I'll wait a while», «Names of winters»; records of «I'll wait a while» sung by Anna Nosko, «Names of winters» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy are added to the page «Songs and romances on Samoylov».
Score of  «The moon is still transparent and pale» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bounin».
Clavier of «
Gamayun»; scores of  «Cleopatra», «Under the roof of a chilled empty building», «I have one smile», «I didn't curtain a window»; records of «I have one smile» sung by Svetlana Sekretar, «Under the roof of a chilled empty building» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya, «I didn't curtain a window» sung by Polina Kubyshkina, «Cleopatra» sung by Anna Nosko are added to the page «Songs and romances on Akhmatova».
Clavier and recording of «Old Cinema»
are added to the page «Instrumental compositions».

August 17 2015
Claviers of «Raven», «Now my love is different» are added to the page «Songs and romances».
Claviers of «
I'll wait a while», «Gypsy girl» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Samoylov».
Claviers of «
Hopelessness», «Where are you, defunct sun?», «Incensory», «The moon is still transparent and pale», «The cat» are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bounin».
Clavier of «
Snowstorm drifting through the streets» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».
Claviers of «
Cleopatra», «Under the roof of a chilled empty building», «I have one smile», «Gray-eyed king», «I didn't curtain a window» are added to the page «Songs and romances on Akhmatova».

July 17 2015
Record of «Song of countess Bertha» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya is added to the page «Ondine».
Remake of  opera is added to the page «Pilat».
Three romances by N.Golovanov are added to the page «Concerts and Performances».

June 15 2015
Complete score and complete clavier of Enochian Keys is added.

May 15 2015
Score of «Song of countess Bertha», records of «The romance of Ondine», «The song of Ondine» sung by Anna Keyta; records of «Your hands», «I'm the knight» are added to the page «Ondine».

April 15 2015
Scores of «The song of Ondine», «I'm the knight» and «Your hands» are added to the page «Ondine».

11 2015
Remakes of  «Hunting», «Kyrie (procession on execution)» sung by Ignaty Volkov, «Song of the Fata Morgana» sung by Anna Keyta and «Song of Elsa» sung by Svetlana Sekretar are added to the page «Wild Swans».
Video of P.Tchaykovsky. «No, the only those who knew» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya; G.Puccini. Mimi's story from the opera «La Boheme» & Russian folk song «Above the baldfields» sung by Irina Gor are added.

February 11 2015
Records of  «The most beautiful woman», «Here buried the poetess», «There are the spaceships in the space», «Meteorite», «Undefeated timeless love», «All the rustlings», «I'm the green maple leaf», «You are the first to show me the moon», «I have a dream» and «I'll go far beyond» sung by Anastasia Kolabanova and complete recording for radio are added to the page «Dream of a Ridiculous Person».
Remake of  «Song of princes» sung by Matvey Bogatyryov is added to the page «Wild Swans».
Remake of  «Ballad about a smoked car» sung by Anna Nosko is added to the page «Songs and romances on Kochetkov».

January 11 2015
Records of the 4th and 5th scenes, score of the 5th scene and complete score of the opera are added to the page «Stone Angel».
Remakes of
 «Reed» and «Oh, it is necessary to tell  you so many things» sung by Anastasia Kolabanova & «I feel a tempest» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy are added to the page «Dream of a Ridiculous Person».
Remake of
 «Slander of the Witch» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya is added to the page «Wild Swans».
Remakes of  «Song of the Soldier» sung by Matvey Bogatyryov and «Duet» sung by Irina Gor and Matvey Bogatyryov are added to the page «Fairy tale about bewitched Daryushka».
Video of romances by P.Tchaykovsky «To forget so soon» sung by Svetlana Sekretar «Gentle stars shown for us» sung by Anna Keyta, «Tell me, what in the shade of the branches» and «We were sitting with you» sung by Irina Gor are added.

16 2014
Clavier and score of the 4th scene, clavier of the 5th scene, complete clavier of the opera, records of  «Song of the eligible woman», «Arioso of Duchess» sung by Anna Keyta; «God's Mother's arioso» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya are added to the page «Stone Angel».
Remakes of
 «When birds die», «The raindrops have hammered on the leaves of birches», «I cannot create a song for you», «The thirtieth anniversary» and «There will be a day» sung by Anastasia Kolabanova are added to the page «Dream of a Ridiculous Person».
Video of J.Massenet. Lamento of Charlotte from the opera «Werther», P.Tchaykovsky. «The Night» & Russian folk song «The bell is singing under the arch» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya are added.

16 2014
Claviers of all songs from «Dream of a Ridiculous Person» are added to the page «Dream of a Ridiculous Person».
Pictures of performance by Belgorod children musical theater
are added to the page «Wild Swans».

October 16 2014
Remake of «Cakewalk on cymbals» is added to the page «Songs and romances, lyrics by Annensky».
Remake of «Ave Maria» is added to the page «Songs and romances».
Remake of «Evening silently burns down» is added to the page «Songs and Romances on Feth».
Remakes of «Raven», «Musket» and «Tanyusha» are added to the page «Russian».

September 1
4 2014
Remakes of  «Eric's song», «Eric’s serenade» sung by Valentin Dubovskoy, «Song of the Witch» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya and «Prayer of Elsa» sung by Svetlana Sekretar, new version of clavier are added to the page «Wild Swans».

July 14 2014
Remakes of  «The introduction» sung by Matvey Bogatyryov, Xenia Balasheva and Anna Zagorodnyaya; «Song about friends» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih; «The introduction» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih, Irina Gor and Polina Kubyshkina; «The twenty first century» sung by Irina Gor and Alexey Gvozdizkih; «The introduction» sung by Matvey Bogatyryov, Xenia Balasheva and Svetlana Sekretar are added to the page «Fairy tale about bewitched Daryushka».

June 14 2014
Remakes of  «Song of evil spirits» and «Rock-n-roll» sung by Svetlana Sekretar; «Song of evil spirits» and «Rock-n-roll» sung by Polina Kubyshkina; «Song of evil spirits» and «Rock-n-roll» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya «Second song of Daryushka» sung by Xenia Balasheva; «Song about friends» sung by Matvey Bogatyryov; «The twenty first century» sung by Xenia Balasheva and Matvey Bogatyryov; «Duet» sung by Irina Gor and Alexey Gvozdizkih are added to the page «Fairy tale about bewitched Daryushka».
Video of A.Chernyavsky. «Yes or no» sung by Irina Gor; A.Obukhov. «Garden gate», P.Bulakhov. «I want nothing» sung by Irina Gor and Valentin Dubovskoy are added.

May 14 2014
Remakes of  «First song of Daryushka» sung by Xenia Balasheva; «First song of Daryushka» and «Second song of Daryushka» sung by Irina Gor; «Song of  Kikimora» are added to the page «Fairy tale about bewitched Daryushka».

April 13
Video of  E.Kalman. Aria of Rajami from operetta «Die Bajadere» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih; A.Strelnikov. Duet of Polina and Mitrooss from operetta «The Bondmaid» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya and Alexey Gvozdizkih; P.Abraham. Song of Tangolita from the operetta «Ball at the Savoy» sung by Svetlana Sekretar; E.Kalman. Song of Silva from operetta «The Csardas Princess» sung by Polina Kubyshkina; E.Kalman. Duet of countess Fedora and mr.X from operetta «The Circus Princess» sung by Irina Gor and Valentin Dubovskoy are added.

March 12 2014
Remakes of «Introduction», «The sea», «Flight», «Mazourka», «Waltz» and «Scene on a cemetery» are added to the page «Wild Swans».

20 2013
Video of G.Gershwin. Strawberry woman's song from the opera «Porgy and Bess» sung by Polina Kubyshkina is added.

October 22 2013
Video «Understand me» is added to the page «Concerts and Performances».
Video of G.Gershwin. Duet of Porgy and Bess from the opera «Porgy and Bess» sung by Polina Kubyshkina and Alexey Gvozdizkih; «According to your faith» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya; «Tanyusha», G.Gershwin. Porgy's song from the opera «Porgy and Bess» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih; «Lullaby of Aurora», G.Gershwin. Aria of Bess from the opera «Porgy and Bess» sung by Irina Gor; «Alyonushka» and «Maiden on the melon plantation» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added.

21 2013
Complete recording for radio of Enochian Keys is added.
Records of
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th part and complete recording for radio of 1st chapter sung by Svetlana Sekretar are added to the page «The Song of Songs».
Record&score of 
«Table song» orchestrated by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances».
Record&score of «The pine is so dark» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya orchestrated by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Feth».
Record&score of «Tomb of Safia» sung by Irina Gor orchestrated by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Bounin».
On the page
«Music of Thelema» English and Russian records of «Lift up this love» sung by Irina Gor are added.

20 2013
Records of 10th, 11th, 12ve, 15th, 17th and 19th Enochian Keys are added.
Records of
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th part and complete recording for radio of 2nd chapter, records of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th part and complete recording for radio of 8th chapter sung by Svetlana Sekretar are added to the page «The Song of Songs».
Record of «Murder in Uglitch» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Russian».
Video of  L.Delibes. «Les filles de Cadix» sung by Polina Kubyshkina is added.

20 2013
Clavier and score of 17th, records of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 9th Enochian Keys are added.
Record of «Ave Maria» sung by Polina Kubyshkina is added to the page «Songs and romances».
Record of record of «The old house» sung by Anna Keyta are added to the page «Songs and romances on Kimmelfeld».
Record of «Waldesprach» sung by Irina Gor, record&score of «Sans empirer, ung povre secourir» orchestrated by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors».
Record and score of
«Understand me» orchestrated by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok». 
Recordings of 1996-1997 V.Dubovskoy «Ave Maria», «Tanyusha», «Serenade» and «Architects», M.Blanter «Blackeyes kossak girl», T.Khrennikov «Moscow windows», A.Ashpay «Moscovites», A.Pakhmutova «Old mapple» and V.Solovyov-Sedoy «Evening on the raid» are added to the page «Sextete-a-tete».

20 2013
Claviers of the 16th and 18th, scores of the 16th and 18th, records of 6th, 7th, 8th, 14th, 16th and 18th Enochian Keys are added.
Record of «About you» sung by Anna Keyta is added to the page «Paganini».
Record and score of
«Leaves were silent» sung by Polina Kubyshkina, score and record of  «Understand just once» sung by Matvey Bogatyryov, score and record «A silent, starlit night» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih orchestrated by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and Romances on Feth».
Record&score of 
«If I became a God» orchestrated by Yelena Belnova are added to the page «Songs and romances on Annensky».
of «Spring» is added to the page «Russian».
Video of  A.Gurilyov. «Heart-toy» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih.

20 2013
Claviers of the 13th and 14th, score of 13th and 14th and records of 6th and 13th Enochian Key are added.
Score «Oh, spring infinite and without end» is added to the page «Songs and romances on Blok».

20 2013
Clavier, score and record of My Ring are added to the page «Stone Angel».
Ñomplete version for radio is added to the page «Halel».
Records of «Alyonushka», «Maiden on the melon plantation» and «Lullaby» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added to the page «Russian».
Leaf-fall», «Fly-agaric», «White ostrich», «Bossa 'bout the wish» and «Horse» sung by Polina Fedoseyeva  is added to the page «Bees’ Tears».
Video of  A.Gurilyov. «Really I'll tell to mammy» sung by Irina Budeyskaya;

January 22 2013
Score and record of the 3rd scene is added to the page «Stone Angel».
Video of  T.Khrennikov. Lillaby from the film «Hussar Ballada» and Lauretta's aria from the opera «Gianni Schicchi» by G.Puccini sung by Irina Budeyskaya; «Volare» by D.Modugno and «Leaf-fall» by V.Dubovskoy sung by Polina Fedoseyeva; 3rd Dalila's aria from the opera «Samson et Dalila» by C.Saint-Saëns and A.Novikov. Arioso of the mother from the cantata «We need the peace» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya; Mizgir's aria from the opera «Snow Maiden» by N.Rymsky-Korsakov and Wolfram's romance from R.Wagner's «Tannhäuser» sung by Alexey Gvozdizkih; Aria of Pricipessa from the opera «Adriana Lecouvreu by F.Cilea sung by Svetlana Sekretar; Suzel's aria from «L'amico Fritz» by P.Mascagni, F.Liszt «O lieb», Aida's aria from the opera «Aida» by G.Verdi and Senta's ballada from R.Wagner's «Der Fliegende Holländer» sung by Irina Gor; V.Dubovskoy's «Lillaby» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added.

25 2012
Clavier of the 3rd scene is added to the page «Stone Angel».
Video of  «Tuba mirum», «Recordare» from Mozart's Requiem sung by Irina Gor, Svetlana Sekretar and Valentin Dubovskoy, G.Puccini. Manon's aria from the opera «Manon Lecaut» and R.Schumann's «Ich grolle nicht» sung by Polina Kubyshkina are added.

November 25 2012
Records of the 10th part, 11th part sung by Irina Gor, 12ve part sung by Svetlana Sekretar, 8th part sung by Irina Gor and Svetlana Sekretar and complete Halel are added to the page «Halel».
clavier is added to the page «Fairy tale about bewitched Daryushka».

October 20 2012
Clavier, score and record of the 2nd scene are added to the page «Stone Angel».
Records of the 1st part sung by Svetlana Sekretar
, 3rd part sung by Irina Gor and 5th part sung by Irina Gor and Svetlana Sekretar are added to the page «Halel».
Video of  G.Rossini. Aria from «Stabat mater» sung by Svetlana Sekretar and «Santa Lucia» sung by Irina Budeyskaya are added.

September 23 2012
Score and record of Story of Venus, score and record of Intrigue of Venus are added to the page «Stone Angel».
Records of the
4th part, 2nd part sung by Svetlana Sekretar, 6th, 7th and 9th part sung by Irina Gor are added to the page «Halel».
Video fragments of «Resurrection from the Dead» by Alexey Rybnikov are added to the page «Concerts and Performances».

August 20 2012
Clavier, score and record of the 6th scene are added to the page «Stone Angel».
All missing records are added to the page «Volunteers».

July 20 2012
Record of the 1st scene, claviers of  «Aria of the widow», «Song of the eligible woman», «Song of the nun», «Song of the applewife», clavier and record of «Serenade of Amur», clavier and record of «Arioso of Venus», clavier and record of «Aria of Aurora» sung by Irina Gor, clavier and record of «Lullaby of Aurora» sung by Irina Gor are added to the page «Stone Angel».

20 2012
Records of Aria of Venus, God's Mother's arioso sung by Anna Sakmarova  and Arioso of Duchess sung by Irina Gor are added to the page «Stone Angel».
Score and record of «Murder in Uglitch» sung by Anna Sakmarova is added to the page «Russian».

20 2012
Score of the 1st scene, clavier of «Song of Amur» and records of Widow's aria sung by Svetlana Sekretar, Song of the eligible woman sung by Irina Gor, Song of the nun sung by Polina Kubyshkina, Song of the applewife sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya and Song of Amur are added to the page «Stone Angel».
Video of ukranian folk song «Meditation on the sky» and «Dream» by S.Rachmaninov sung by Irina Gor, Ukranian folk song «Moonlit night» sung by Polina Fedoseyeva are added.
Video of «Three romances» is added to the page «Concerts and Performances».

April 20 2012
The page «Stone Angel» is created and claviers of 1st scene, «Aria of Venus», «Arioso of Duchess» and «God's Mother's arioso» are added.
Records of 4th and 5th Enochian Keys sung by Natalya Skryabina are added.
Video of «Spring» by V.Dubovskoy sung by Polina Fedoseyeva, Elvira's aria from the opera «Ernani» by G.Verdi sung by Polina Kubyshkina, Romance d'Antonia from «Hoffman's Tales» by J.Offenbach sung by Irina Gor, Seguidilla from the opera «Carmen» by G.Bizet sung by Svetlana Sekretar are added.

20 2012
Records of 1st, 2nd and 3rd  Enochian Keys sung by Natalya Skryabina are added.
Video of «Ringing bells» by V.Gavrilin is added
to the page «Concerts and Performances».

12 2012
Score of  «Bird's blues» is added to the page «I witness the night».
Score of  «Ashes» is added to the page «Songs and romances».
Score of  «Spring» is added to the page «Russian».

12 2012
Video of Pepita's song from the operetta «Wind of Freedom» by I.Dunayevsky and «Ciuciarello» by N.Oliviero sung by Polina Fedoseyeva are added.

13 2011
Records of 11th, 12th and 15th  Enochian Keys are added.
Scores of 11th, 12th and 15th  Enochian Keys are added.
Record of «Dedicating to Lilith» is added to the page «Songs and romances».
The score of the arrangement «Mercedes Benz» is added to the page Some arrangements.
Video of Letter Scene from «Eugeny Onegin» by P.Tchaykovsky and Mimi's story from «La Boheme» by G.Puccini sung by Natalya Skryabina are added.

October 12 2011
Claviers of the 11th, 12th and 15th Enochian Keys are added.
Clavier of
«Dedicating to Lilith» is added to the page «Songs and romances».
Video of Mimi's aria from the opera «La Boheme» by G.Puccini sung by Natalya Skryabina is added.

12 2011
Record «Epilogue» is added to the page «Cyrano de Bergerac» and complete version of this musical for radio.
Video of Liu's aria from the opera «Turandot» by G.Puccini sung by Polina Kubyshkina is added.
«Enochian chess» is added to the page «Enochian Keys».

12 2011
Records «Prologue» and «The battle» are added to the page «Cyrano de Bergerac».

12 2011
Record «Reading in the darkness» is added to the page «Cyrano de Bergerac».
«Song of Hans» is added to the page «Ondine».

May 12 2011
Video of Musetta's waltz from the opera «Boheme» by G.Puccini  sung by Anna Keyta is added.

12 2011
Records «The newspaper» and «Death of Cyrano» are added to the page «Cyrano de Bergerac».

February 12 2011
Records «Ballade about the duel» and «Rendez-vous in Ragueneau's patisserie» are added to the page «Cyrano de Bergerac».

January 12 2011
Records «The nose» and «The letter» are added to the page «Cyrano de Bergerac».
Video of the concert December 26 2010 is added
to the page «Concerts and Performances».
Video of J.Offenbach. Romance d'Antonia from «Hoffman's Tales»
sung by Anna Keyta is added.
New version of «Construct the GD piramids!».

December 4 2010
Records «Merci, no», «Mon cher Cyrano», «Near the tour de Nesle» and «Almond cookies» are added to the page «Cyrano de Bergerac».
«A.Samonov. Three songs on Pole Withman translated by Marshak» is added to the page «Concerts and Performances».

November 6 2010
Records «When the moon is ascended», «Roxane», «The balcony scene» and «Gotta to the moon» are added to the page «Cyrano de Bergerac».

October 6 2010
The page «Cyrano de Bergerac» is created and compositions «Together with my loving», «Cruel coquette» and «Gascons» are added.

September 9 2010
Video of «Be my love» by N.Brodsky sung by Anna Keyta is added.

5 2010
Video of «Torna» by N.Valente sung by Polina Kubyshkina, Manon's aria from the opera «Manon Lescaut» by G.Puccini sung by Natalya Skryabina are added.

July 5 2010
Video fragments of «Resurrection from the Dead» by Alexey Rybnikov are added to the page «Concerts and Performances».

5 2010
Video of romance of blind from the opera «Gioconda» by A.Ponchielli sung by Svetlana Sekretar is added.

March 31 2010
The complete clavier of musical «Wild Swans» is available now.

February 21 2010
Record «Il Comte Monte Cristo» is added to the page «Monte Cristo» and complete record of this rock opera for radio.
Video «Phantom of the opera» sung by Alexandra Balakireva is added to the page Some arrangements (recorded in 2007).
Video records of my students are added: G.Verdi. Desdemona's aria from the opera «Otello» sung by Natalya Skryabina, A.Verstovsky «The old husband» sung by Svetlana Sekretar.

January 21
The complete score of musical drama «Volunteers» is available now.
Records «Freedom», «Chateau d'If» and «Haydee» are added to the page «Monte Cristo».
Video of opera
«Mozart and Salieri» is added to the page «Concerts and Performances».
Video records of my students are added: «Santa Lucia» sung by Polina Fedoseyeva and «Alyonushka» sung by Polina Kubyshkina.
The arrangement
Flight of a bumblebee» sung by Turetsky's choir is added to the page Some arrangements.

December 21
Records «Paper» and «The Transfiguration» are added to the page «Monte Cristo».
Record of opera
«Mozart and Salieri» is added to the page «Concerts and Performances».

October 21
Rock opera «Monte Cristo» is created.
Video record of  Lullaby of Bertha (from the music to «Ondine» by J.Giraudoux) sung by Svetlana Sekretar, Anna Keyta and Natalya Skryabina are added to the page «Songs and romances».
On the page
«Jeanne» comlete record for radio and complete clavier of this rock opera are added.

21 2009
Demo records «Prologue», «The medical examing board», «Sokolniki», «The aerodrome», «The song of Ufimtsev», «The tattles», «Akishin's letter», «The ballad of Ufimtsev», «The submarine» and «To flight» are added to the page «Volunteers».

21 2009
The complete clavier of musical drama «Volunteers» is available now.
The arrangement of Maria Magdalina’s aria sung by Anna Keyta is added to the page Some arrangements.

21 2009
Records of «Ashes» sung by Irina Gor, Lullaby of Bertha (from the music to «Ondine» by J.Giraudoux) sung by Svetlana Sekretar, Anna Keyta and Natalya Skryabina are added to the page «Songs and romances».
The arrangement «Mersedes Benz» sung by Irina Gor is added to the page Some arrangements.
Record of «Visitor» sung by Irina Gor, lyrics by Olga Andreyeva is added to «I Witness the Night» album.
Video records of my students are added: S.Rachmaninov «Vocalise» sung by Anna Keyta.

21 2009
Video of «The Old House» sung by Women Academic Choir of Omsk State University conducted by Leonid Grushko is added to the page «Songs and romances on Kimmelfeld».
Video of Arioso of the Demon and duet with Tamara from the opera by J.Morgulas «The Demon» is added to the page «Concerts and Performances».
Video records of my students with symphonic orchestra conducted by Vladimir Moiseyev are added:  G.Gershwin. Sirina's aria from «Porgy and Bess» sung by Anna Keyta and M.Gastaldoni «Musica proibita» sung by Natalya Skryabina.

21 2009
Musical drama «Volunteers» is created.
Score of Lullaby of Bertha  and orchestral score of Romance of Ondine (from the music to «Ondine» by J.Giraudoux), lyrics by Olga Andreyeva is added to the page «Songs and romances».

2 2009
Video records of my students are added: V.Dubovskoy «Romance of Ondine» sung by Anna Keyta.

2 2009
Scores of songs «The old house» and «Musician» are added to the page «Songs and romances».
Video records of my students are added:
M.Dunayevsky «Ah, that evening» sung by Polina Fedoseyeva, V.Dubovskoy «About you» from «Paganini» sung by Anna Keyta and M.Gastaldoni «Musica proibita» sung by Natalya Skryabina.

January 27 2009
Video records of my students are added: A.-L.Webber. Maria Magdalina's aria from «Jesus Christ Superstar» sung by Anna Keyta, A.-L.Webber. You are once «Phantom of the opera» sung by Anna Zagorodnyaya, A.Ostrovsky «The moon stone» sung by Svetlana Sekretar.
«Mechanical butterfly» by Olga Andreyeva.

December 2
7, 2008
Video of the concert «Songs of Pushkin's contemporary composers on his verses» is added to the page «Concerts and Performances».

November 2
7, 2008
«Enochian Keys. Comments on music» is added to the page «Enochian Keys».
The arrangement
«Doves are flying over our prison camp» sung by Turetsky's choir is added to the page Some arrangements.

October 27, 2008
Video fragments from «L'elisir d'amore» by G.Donizetti are added to the page «Concerts and Performances».
Clavier, score and live video «Seh dus dan» sung by Natalya Skryabina are added on the page Some arrangements.
New pictures by Olga Andreyeva.

September 2
7, 2008
Record and score of the 19th Enochian Key are added.
Scores of «According to your faith» and «Leaf-fall» are added on the page «Bees’ Tears», score of «Maiden on the melon plantation» - on the page «Russian».
Score of «Phantom of the opera» is added on the page of arrangements.
Live video «According to your faith» sung by Alexandra Balakireva with symphonic orchestra of  Russian TV and Radio is added on the page «Bees’ Tears».
Miserere by G.Sarti is added to the page «Concerts and Performances».

August 2
7, 2008
Record, score and  clavier of the 10th Enochian Key are added.
Fragments from L.Bernstein's Messa, duet of Anaida and Amenophi from «Mose» by G.Rossini , child recordings (1976), duet from «Rose et Colas» by P.-A.Monsigny, Missa Oecumenica by A.Grechaninov, fragment from M.Glinka's «Ruslan and Lyudmila» and Minin's aria from the opera «Minin and Pojarsky» by S.Degtyarev are added to the page «Concerts and Performances».
The scores of arrangements Maria Magdalina's aria, Yesterday and aria from «Phantom of the opera» are added to the page Some arrangements.

July 2
, 2008
The score of the 19th Enochian Key is added.
«The Seal Dei Æmeth. Brainy puzzle for magician» is added to the page «Enochian Keys».

June 2
, 2008
On the page «Jeanne» records of «Englishman's Song» and «Final» are added.

May 2, 2008
On the page «Jeanne» record of «Charles VII Valois» is added.On the page «Jeanne» record of «Domremy. Voices. Echo. Prayer to Death» sung by Alexandra Balakireva is added.
New pictures by Olga Andreyeva.
On the page Music of Thelema  the
topic «True Tree» is added.

April 2, 2008
«The numerical structure of Enochian» is added to the page «Enochian Keys».
«A handbook of Geomancy».
On the page Music of Thelema  the topic «Music of Thelema» is added.

March 2
, 2008

On the page
«Jeanne» records of «Jeanne under arrest», «Execution» sung by Alexandra Balakireva and «Crowning. Jilles de Retz's dream» sung by Alexandra Balakireva and Dmitry Stepanovich are added.

8, 2008

On the page
«Jeanne» records of «Jeanne's First Battle. Lullaby to dead asleep» sung by Alexandra Balakireva and «Domremy. Voices. Echo. Prayer to Death» sung by Natalya Skryabina are added.
Video: aria from G.Sarti's
«Miserere» is added to the page «Concerts and Performances».

8, 2008

Russian translation of
«The Vision and the Voice» is added to the page «Enochian Keys».
Score of rock opera «Jeanne» is corrected.
Album from rehearsals, records of introduction and
«Jeanne under arrest» sung by Natalya Skryabina are added to the page «Jeanne».

8, 2007

Rock opera
«Jeanne» is created.
New versions of
8th Enochian Key.
Added pictures by Anna Sakmarova.

October 4, 2007
On the page Enochian Keys 9th Key record and orchestra score are added.
New version of Virginia's song from
«The Canterville Ghost» sung by
Alexandra Balakireva is added.
On the page «Music of Thelema» composition «One star in sight» and arrangement of «Phantom of the opera» sung by Alexandra Balakireva are added.
On the page
«Songs and romances»: «Table song» sung by Leonid Kazachkov is added.
On the page «Songs and romances on Blok»: «Understand me» and «Oh, spring infinite and without end» sung by Leonid Kazachkov are added.
Added new pictures by Olga Andreyeva.

September 4, 2007
On the page «Music of Thelema» text and records (English and Russian versions) of «Pan to Artemis»; text and records (English and Russian versions) of «Stele of Revelation» (AL III:37-38) are added.
new version of the song «Bird's blues» sung by Alexandra Balakireva in «I Witness the Night» album.

4, 2007

The score of the 9th Enochian Key is added.
Added romances sung by Natalya Skryabina: on the page
«Russian» - «Alyonushka», «Maiden on the melon plantation», on the page «Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors» - «Waldesprach».
«Bossa 'bout the wish» sung by Anna Gnedenkova  - a new song of «Bees’ Tears» album.
«Construct the GD piramids!»  is corrected.

May 4, 2007
On the page Enochian Keys translation with my comments of «Liber Chanokh» is added.
«Magic Squares» and «About lyrics and music of aztecs» by
Natalya Skryabina.
Complect of «Construct the GD piramids!» and topic «Magic. Dee. Soyga» are available now.

March 2, 2007
On the page Music of Thelema «One star in sight» (English and Russian) sung by Leonid Kazachkov, guitar – Olga Pankratova;  text and records (English and Russian version) of «The Interpreter»; text and records (English and Russian versions) of «Lift up this love!» (sang by Natalya Skryabina); records (English and Russian versions) of «Invocation of Hecate»; records (English and Russian versions) of «Nekam, Adonai!» are added.

February 2, 2007
«According to your faith»
sung by Alexandra Balakireva  - a new song of «Bees’ Tears» album.
On the page Music of Thelema  text of «Invocation of Hecate», text of «Nekam, Adonai!» and the topic «Musical instruments and Qabbalah» are added.

January 2, 2007
The romance of Ondine (from the music to J.Giraudoux's «Ondine») sung by Natalya Skryabina, lyrics by Olga Andreyeva - a new song on the page «Ondine».
Score, record and text of
«K'dusha» are added to the page Music for sinagogue.
The arrangement
«Be my love» sung by Turetsky's choir is added to the page Some arrangements.

December 2, 2006
On the page Music of Thelema Credo (English and Russian versions), Hymn from the Gnostic Mess (English and Russian),
«One star in sight» (English and Russian) and Hymn to Pan (English and Russian) are added.
Some fragments of performances of Irina Arkadyeva
and Maxim Paliy are added.

November 2
, 2006

New versions of Enochian Keys
are created.
The page Maxim Paliy is added.
The page Music of Thelema is added.

September 22, 2006
The Enochian Keys page is created.
The 7th and 8th Enochian Keys are added.

5, 2006

The page of instrumental compositions and the page of Olga Pankratova are added.
The Rhapsody for bass guitar solo is added.
«Sans empirer, ung povre secourir» sung and arranged by Dmitry Stepanovich is added to the page Songs and Romances on lyrics by foreign authors.
«Evening silently burns down» sung and arranged by Dmitry Stepanovich is added to the page
Songs and Romances on Feth.
«Oh, spring infinite and without end» sung and arranged by Dmitry Stepanovich is added to the page Song and romances on Blok.
«If I became a God» sung and arranged by Dmitry Stepanovich is added to the page Song and romances on Annensky.

2, 2006

Texts of
«Halel», «The Song of Songs (Shir HaShirim)» chapters 1, 2 and 8 (Hebrew-transcription-Russian
in Word format) are added.
«White ostrich» and «Fly-agaric» sung by Anna Gnedenkova– new songs of «Bees’ Tears» album.
The page of Julia Bogdanova is added.
«Ave Maria» sung by Irina Arkadyeva is added.

March 28, 2006
«The song of the wage slave»
sung by Alexandra Balakireva - a new song of «Bees’ Tears» album.
«The last word» is added.
«Seest thou thy lyge» sung by Serafima Melnikova and «Leaf-fall» sung by Anna Gnedenkova - new songs of «Bees’ Tears» album.
Video Ghost's aria from
«The Canterville ghost» is added.
New version of «Horse».

March 1, 2006
History of Renewals is added.
V. Dubovskoy’s Concerts and Performances page is created.
«Fifth Suit» – a new song of «I Witness the Night» album, lyrics by Olga Andreyeva.
«Horse» sung by Anna Gnedenkova now available in «Bees’ Tears”.
Arrangements of Maria Magdalina’s aria and «Phantom of the Opera», both sung by Yekaterina Buryak.

February 1, 2006
his site was created.

 e-mail: tahuti@mail.ru